I miss my friends..
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Dont worry, they will be coming back crawling, after they had enough of the pay to win bs.
Lost ark is dead. Once you hit the pay/grind wall people will quit
I Think Elden Ring is also a reason
i'm still here…
Competition is good, drives both games to get better
Did Lost Ark sponsor you for that video? The game is already forgotten again haha.
just give it some time, untill the wallets start to hurt
They'll be back once they find those arks
Lots ark is fading already, people are reaching the Pay-to-win ceilings and starting to move back
Good riddance.
6.1 predicted on April 12th – you will have your friends back then !
You also forgot about all the Elden Ring players. :O
Should say Elden ring not Lost Ark 🙂 Played Elden Ring way more, has more content 😌. Don't worry FF I'll 😉 be back.
Pfft. My friends play on console. They don't have access to Lost Ark. Mwahahah.
I have a hard time seeing how Lost Ark holds peoples interests. Either way, friends will likely return when the new patch for 14 comes along.
game is free to play, but costs more than my lifetime sub + expansions costs to progress lmao
They will come back. Lost Ark only kept me for a couple of weeks.
Ppl dont care about Lost Ark, a lot of them playing Elder Ring atm
the good thing about ffxiv. they don't care if u stop playing. they even somehow encourage it. "we'll be taking our time preparing for the next patch. if you have nothing else to do, please play other games". xD
We'll be back choom
Saddest shit I've ever seen tbh.
Man what a great video
Can't wait for the next one in 3 months!
Damn the amount of copium in this comment section trying to convince themselves that Lost Ark isn't successful or already a dead game. 🤣
Eh but now they're all returning ^^
haru they will be brook and they wil be back to cry on the fc ff14 is a game that respect people s time and money they will understand one day now they are on drugs
Then after 2 weeks they realize its a korean MMO and stop playing.
Or lose their house payment to the cash shop.
You know, the way I saw the video was that your friends blipped repeatedly to check out the new lost ark update and came back.
They will come back..
learned my lesson with genshin. Not again. Lol
Give it another couple of months. Honest opinion, once more people hit the paywall in the endgame, most will either make the decision to go back to whatever pay to play mmo they were in (14, WoW, ect) or decide they are ok with the heavy pay to win mechanics in lost ark. Given most people (at least in the west) have a pretty negative reaction to it, ill guess most will move on. Its how it was with Black desert, and many other Korean "free to play" games. That and whenever diablo 4 gets announced.
Elden Ring*
I don't play final fantasy but it feels the Same with ESO 🤣 well I'm responsible too because I been playing lost ark as well and it's pretty good. Oh yes elden ring is looking pretty good 😅 too many good games to play.
FFXIV will always be my home. LA is what I'm just playing for now, but I'll always come back to 14
I can relate to the black and white parts but I have no idea what's going on during the colored ones please explain.
I'm still standing by my statement I've been plastering all over…Lost Ark will start to die off by the end of the year. The pay to win is too strong for the good combat to overcome in the long run; the combat will lose its freshness and the UI gamble-grind vs. dollar will be laid bare. It will retain many p[l]ayers, but won't have the daily million on steam.
…then again, the way my life goes, I'm probably jinxing it and it'll have 5 mil by the end of the year…
Don't worry, they'll come back
They always come back 🙂
If it's not Lost Ark it's Elden Ring 😭
The fc my alt is in is dying if not already dead. Only one person is logging in everyday and it's not me.
Bruh, that's 14 once Elden Ring was released, lol
annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd they are back
It's really not that bad… but this was hillarious!