My Response to a Healer on Strike (Final Fantasy XIV)

Hello Viewers and Welcome to Final Fantasy XIV. In my original video we received a response in the initial healer strike video . These are my thoughts on that comment.

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14 thoughts on “My Response to a Healer on Strike (Final Fantasy XIV)”

  1. Okay lets humor your argument a bit about healers not having their DPS kit gutted by comparing Dawntrail Scholar to Stormblood Scholar and looking at how they function in practice.

    It's Stormblood, we're about to pull Final Omega. I prepull Selene haste and prepare for the Eos hot swap. Because one of my DoTs has a longer cast time than the other, I begin precasting it at about 2 seconds. Boss pull, I cast my second DoT. I now have two offset DoTs from each other I need to manage. I get my Shadowflare down, that's not inconsequential damage. Only now do I begin spamming Broil. It's important to remember that Shadowflare could not be down at the same time as Soil, giving us a small decision tree. We're not done yet tho. Not only am I having to manage my two DoTs, ticking at different times, while I do broils but I also have two movement techs. If I need to move but can be in melee range, Miasma II goes from potency negative to potency positive. Liberal use of Miasma II also eventually gives you one more GCD in the fight due to how rolling an instant works. If I can't be in melee, Ruin is a better option then not casting at all. And yes, we will be weaving in Energy Drains.

    Now lets go to Dawntrail, this will be fun. There's no pre pull, my DoT is an instant and Broil's cast time is all but nil now. Also Selene is gone, so there's no benefit. Chain Strat, Baneful Impaction, DoT, then Broil spam. I then spam broil for 30 seconds until it's time to Biolysis again. So I press 1 button for 30 seconds at a time, then I press my DoT again, then back to one button. Even 2 minutes I get to press a third button ONE TIME. Then I return to broil spam. This new button you make out like it's some kind of fix? Over the course of a ten minute fight I will use it five times. Ruin is no longer worth it because with slide casting the new low cast time of broil ensures it's unnecessary. As a small saving grace, we keep Energy Drain.

    For reference, right now in Endwalker on a Savage clear you will press Broil (on average) about 130 times per pull on parses lower than 50th(It goes up for better parses). Do you think it's sufficient to add a button that we will press once every two minutes and reduce our Broil inputs to….125 per pull?

    EDIT: I think you also completely missed the point of Paragraph 4. You're so like, Ultimate brained you kind of missed the forest for the trees so I would like to re-iterate the point they made. "Tanks and DPS aren't only fun in Savage, so why are healers relegated to that". The point the poster was making is that they want to be able to use their toolkit outside of Savage. Like other jobs get to. Dungeon content, tome farming content, is a huge chunk of our playtime. Why is it one of the three roles of the trinity has to be unplayably dull in it and the other two don't?

    Also, yes, a strike is disruptive. That's actually the point of a strike. To disrupt the normal operations of a given function to the point that the people running that function need to address the issue. If the strike creates enough of a backlog that it upsets people trying to queue, that's a good thing actually. That's the strike working. That's how strikes work. A strike is a form of disruptive protest.

  2. A good result to this would be, at least for me, one of a few things. One, give healers more things to do in standard content other than just being a suboptimal dps who occasionally heals. Examples could include cool combos that either buff allies or debuff enemies. Make them fun and relevant to play in things that are not just high end content.

    Or change how the roles work so either healers are much harder to run without in standard content, or at the very least, make the roles more balanced so it isn’t JUST the healer role that is optional. Current balancing heavily disfavors healing classes and is making a lot of people turn away from playing it in favor of others, resulting in super high wait times for dps classes in content. I have also run into toxicity towards healers when they mess up as well as basically every healer being thrown in the deep end on first dungeon just with how the meta of running through them quickly has developed.

  3. I mean….if people aren't enjoying healing, they shouldn't feel forced to play healer just so that DPSes can have fun. Let people strike if they want. It's just a game at the end of the day. I doubt it will affect the queues that much, but even if it were to do it…just do something else while waiting in queue.

  4. I quit the game during the last tier of Endwalker, ever since Stormblood the gameplay has been going south, everything is fitting into this tiny, predictable boxes, nothing is fun to figure out or optimise any more, every single fight plays out the same, ultimates being cleared without healers is happening faster and faster.


    When UCoB first came out, do you want to know how many GCD totals were ACTUALLY needed to clear that fight on a good run? Between TWO healers who knew what to do? The answer is 7 if the comp had a scholar and 6 if it was astrologian.

    You know whyyyyyyy the game is in such a dogshit state? Because Yoshida only listens to the casuals who unironically fight good criticisms and advice on the OFFICIAL FORUMS. That is the ONLY PLACE the team parses job feedback from. Globally. Casuals (In both time and effort senses) are getting their way, lower entry to every job, lower ceiling to every job, every piece of side content is getting more and more accessible, which in turn leads to jobs just hemorraghing a metric fuckton of resources.

    Dawntrail is not a new beginning, it's the fourth installment of the SAME crap. A worsening of the game state, the lore has no legs to stand on any more, the development team is out of touch with the playerbase that can actually make the game better for everyone. Why should I pay a subscription, on top of buying an expansion, to be unhappy with how every single job is being designed and balanced?

    Dawntrail healers have more healing than they know what to do with, but everyone that's even dipped their toes into savages, hell, extremes, knows how predictable the outgoing damage of this game is. auto, auto, first raid wide, mechanic, auto, auto, auto, long cast, mechanic, raid wide, tank buster. Mitigation is out of control, shields are insane, the downtime on damage barely requires regens the rest of the party takes no damage.

    It's indefensible. People like the bald idiot and all the big NA names can't be too harsh or they lose their special status with the most feral, fucked up community in gaming. Enough is enough, these people mocked WoW for their game going down this path, and now that they're on it? They're real fuckin' quiet.

  5. So either nerf Warrior (about time), or rework the entire game to balance it out… I´m sorry, but am i the only one who sees this as pushing the piano towards the chair, rather than the way around? Warrior has been stupid for 10 years, can we not do this anymore?

  6. Tbf best way to do a "healer strike" is to just play another class or stop playing the game ☠️. Cause I remember ppl mentioning a shortage of healers during Abyssos

  7. I feel like this drama is people complaining that the game is not being tailored specifically to them at every level of gameplay/difficulty.

    The game is built for people to make mistakes and for healers to "adjust" and cover for those mistakes, that's literally why you restore HP and have rez/esuna. If no one in the party makes mistakes then of course healing is easier, the estus flask in dark souls doesn't become useless because 1 guy can clear a "no hit" run, there's still other people to balance for.

    If SE make dungeons impossible to do without a healer then they massively increase the skill floor for "intro" level content with little to gain. This will only stop people speedrunning the content in preformed groups but would massively increase the numbers of wipes and make healing more intimidating for new players.

    Expert and Savage SHOULD be the content where healers are required because you're expected to know how to play your class.
    Any outliers for ultimate content without healers is done with specific comps for mitigation/healing reasons which is more of a theorycrafting/limit testing run which is very cool but not optimal or practical. The game should not be balanced because of <100 people cleared ultimate without a healer under the above conditions and I don't understand why these people don't get it.

  8. I raided as a healer in Heavensward. It was awesome. Since then, the kits have been gutted. My main issue is that the skill level on a healer matters far less than any other class. Healer classes have a lack of skill expression in general (because pushing 2 1 1 1 1 2…. is not very skill expressive). The 2 complaints are different. There is a numbers and fight design issue (which is healers may not be needed) and the 2nd one is that healers act as training wheels, where they are more needed in a casual or first attempt of a fight and as gear gets better (for other classes), healers are less and less needed.


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