FFXIV A Realm Reborn Blacksmith desynthesis guide level 1.00 to 90.00

must be level 30 to unlock desynthesis in uldah sapphire avenue gone to pieces blue quest. the two items to desynthesis to raise blacksmith are 50 bronze hachets and 40 to 50 cobalt baselards. use tinker calm and bacon broth high quality to boost experience gained. to reach past 90.00 you can desynth primal weapons from garuda HM and ifrit HM levi ex ramuh ex and king moogle mog HM



3 thoughts on “FFXIV A Realm Reborn Blacksmith desynthesis guide level 1.00 to 90.00”

  1. Apparently I got a copyright claim for using the music from the PS4 share factory during the desynthesis process. So now I'm gonna have to leave this unmonietized and figure something else out. I don't know how it's copyrighted but the melody is. Weirdest thing is I used it before and didn't get claimed. But whatever it's not about the money it's about helping y'all.


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