FFXIV: A Crash Course for Crushing the Controller Cross HotBar 🎮

Final Fantasy 14’s controller Cross HotBar (CrossBar) is brilliant and enables an engaging controller-driven MMORPG experience. This guide will get you started with what you need to know and more, regardless of whether you defend Eorzea on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, PC, or Xbox Series X|S.

00:00 Intro & basics
00:59 Cross HotBar switching
01:52 Cross HotBar sharing
02:14 Pet Cross HotBar
02:45 Expanded Cross HotBar
03:12 Double Cross HotBar (WXHB)
04:01 Advanced settings/customization
06:10 Macros 98 & 99 + more tips
08:05 Thanks for watching!

Example macros:

Copy your current job’s first CrossBar to shared crossbar 4:
/chotbar copy current 1 share 4

Copy Weaver’s CrossBar 3 to Alchemist’s CrossBar 3
/chotbar copy WVR 3 ALC 3

Full reference:



2 thoughts on “FFXIV: A Crash Course for Crushing the Controller Cross HotBar 🎮”

  1. i been using the expanded cross bar from day 1 its a must if you want to able to access all your skills easy and not have to switch hot bars. I use my 2nd hot bar as the hold l1 and or then r1for the skills i use the lest all my other hot bars are shared for emotes and telleporting stuff :). I strongly think all players should use these hotbars like he is saying after 10 years i dont think i can go back to having to switch to all 3 hot bars neeeded for most classes. thank you for making these vids for new players the more creators making controller guilds the more players can learn the best pc controller settings in gaming :).


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