Pandaemonium LOREBOMB TIME! (REACTION) – Who WAS THIS GUY? – FFXIV Endwalker Cobrak


What do YA’LL think?! All these little smidgens of Lahabrea lore are beginning to come together. Would love to hear what you guys make of it all!

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12 thoughts on “Pandaemonium LOREBOMB TIME! (REACTION) – Who WAS THIS GUY? – FFXIV Endwalker Cobrak”

  1. Woot another video! Hope all is going well for you Cob! I have to say that the pandemonium story has been rather intriguing, a few things to note. Themis/Elidibus has the same hair that he had on his appearance on 5.3, same with his eyes.

    On a side not and for speculation, I suspect that Erichtonios may be the Lahabrea we killed, maybe. The one thing against that theory is that Lahabrea is an expert in creation magicks and so far Erichtonios doesn't seem to be that proficient in that field, who knows if it is actually the case or if he's holding back.

  2. Congrats on getting a new job to max level! Once you've gotten used to having mobility it's really hard to go back to not having it. When time allows, I hope you'll both continue to try out other jobs in the game as they are quite varied and with crafted gear you can instantly jump into end game content once you hit max level without the need to do any grinding.

  3. Also, Yoshida already answered why a few of the Ancients remained unsundered in the last live letter. I’ll just say that it probably has nothing to do with Pandemonium. Also, these raids seem to be happening after we first visited Elpis but before the Final Days took hold of the Star.

  4. Personally I'm not sold on Lahabrea being the villain/cause of the events in Pandaemonium yet, it feels a little too obvious for me. I got the impression that he's more like Fourchenault, in that he buries himself in his work, potentially to cope with the loss of his partner? I see Eric as being quite similar to Hythlodaeus too. Not very confident in his abilities, and could possibly follow a similar path and offer himself as sacrifice to Zodiark. That might explain why Lahabrea became so reckless in his ambitions to bring about the Rejoinings later on, he was simply mad with grief. Who knows, I might be way off the mark. Can't wait for the next wing to open up though, gotta quench that thirst for more Ancient lore.

  5. I agree, I think the redhead guy is the Lahabrea that we know, because there is no way we are NOT going to see the face of the 3rd unsundered (pretty meta reason, I know). Also, as another comment stated, Lahabrea never engaged us directly, and seemed quite weak in comparison to his brethren. I think this guy fits the bill perfectly.

  6. in the naming, like other stuff in the Ancient time, most name take inspiraion from Greek Mythology

    Themis: Titan goddess of divine law
    Asphodelos: Afterlife of ordinary soul
    Erichtonios: Legendary ruler of Ancient Athens, said to be son of Athena and Hephaestus
    Hippokampos: Sea monster in the shape of horse
    Phoinix: from Greek spelling of Phoenix (φοῖνιξ)
    Hesperos: Evening star, often conflated with Phosphoros, the morning star and translated as Lucifer in latin
    Hemitheos: demigod
    Vrykolakas: Flesh eating undead, although name seems to derive from words that means "werewolf" in slavic origin

    Edit: also, they were not kidding when they said Elidibus (Themis) was a prodigy

  7. To follow on from Sophie's theory – here's a thing to think about.

    There's a lot of importance being placed on heritage and parents here, and the effect our parents have on us.
    The Etherys story (and this raid in particular) are very heavily influence by greek tragedies.
    Themis is very clearly Elidibus.
    Themis has the same hair colour and eyes as someone we already know.

    Is Elidibus (and so Zodiark) Venat's child?


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