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#FFXIV #Meoni #endwalker
Background Music:
Square Enix Rights Reserved
“Sanctuary’s Heart” Album
Song : Oblivion
By Masayoshi Soken
Music from
“Sincerely” by Kevin MacLeod (
License: CC BY (
imma grind the hell out of pvp for all of those sets, i need them they look so drippy
Not a fan of full robes, so kinda disappointed with the healer gear. I wonder how the legs look.
I'd actually be fine with it if it was split in two. I wouldn't mind using the bottom half for a leg glamour.
certainly going to star PvPing again just to get all those new PvP set.
Another Robe again … oh ffs … it's boring … annoying … it's so uninspired … Makes me actually hate playing casters … it's always the same.
The criticism of the armor is so insane. We are literally spoiled with how much incredible looking gear there is.
I do not like the modern look. At all.
meh more robes for casters. its just so uninspired
meh more robes for casters. its just so uninspired
The healer/caster ar set way better than euphrosynes I didnt care for the shape of that gown. Also this set has a CROWN like ugh finally a nice crown for my main job.
My only disappointment with the new pvp sets is the hood+hat combo the pink set has is that it shows hair. Meaning hroth and viera will not get to enjoy glamming like Sho Minamimoto u_u
Is the gunbreaker using a new gunblade for pvp?
As seems to be a bit of an EndWalker trend, the tank gear easily looks the nicest out of the 24 man set. And again healers and casters get stuck with robes. Sigh. At least the sleeves and shoes/boots look like they might be nice so it's not a complete loss.
As a healer I'm sick and tired to get long ass robes all the time. We have zillions of them ffs. They don't have the brainpower to come up with beautiful mini dresses for females like the 2B dress for example, imagine that. I don't have high hopes for 7.0 either, this team cannot come up with anything else.
Really curious about what the plans for the Fall Guys collab is actually going to turn out to be. It could be a Garo situation where it will just run "for a limited time" but end up actually lasting several years in reality. It does seem like a LOT of work to create just for it to be around for the usual event window though.. or even for it to just last a few months (say 6.51 until DawnTrail). What I would actually like to see from it, though, is to have it come and go BUT to have it do so on a predictable schedule. This would allow it to have a hype factor that would concentrate interest/appeal, and could also allow for the developers to put together new rewards and new courses/games for it. If it just stays around "all the time" then we all know it will be The Thing for like 2 weeks and then once everyone has their rewards from it they'll never do it any more.
New pvp sets look awesome
The sporty techie stuff really should have been mog station imo
I dont hate it, its just not my style at all, and doesnt seem to fit PvP
I don’t like how 70-80% of gear have the half skirt thing on the back, just annoying. Prefer capes or having nothing or at least try something new
Those new PvP sets looks a lot like the Magitek Attire from the online store. I like it! 😎
I’ve been looking for more modern feeling pieces for some Shinra Soldier type glams and some of those new trophy crystals sets are looking perfect
Honestly I absoluteley love the new PvP gear. It gives me something to use my trophy crystals on and they just look awesome. Especially se set that has the snowboarding glasses.
the Thaleia armor sets really downgraded
Naah those new glam items in PvP look so good. I really love fashion irl and this type of techwear/modern approach is right up my alley. Definitely grinding PvP for like a couple weeks now.
The chaos and toxicity that would happen if they added player collision in the fall guy collab T_T GMs would have to work overtime
Ugh the 24 man raid theme gear is too same-ish. Also that butt flaps or skirt thingy design needs to go. As a tank I'm getting 3 circlets from this 24 man raid alone. Can't a tank get some halone helm love?
I want all that PVP gear. Wow.
Reading through the comments and glad im not the only one who feels the new glams are poor.
I really like the new PvP armor but I get a feeling its job locked which is a shame because that middle one would pair amazingly with the pvp gunblade 🙁
As a WAR main I am definitely excited for the new pve armor set. I also am surprisingly liking the new pvp armor sets because it is just different and not your generic job sets like have had in the past. And like you I'll probably use some of the pieces together to form my own glamour set.
ugh i hate pvp, but i do like the pants they give off that techwear style or sort of similar to tripp pants
Underwhelming gear
It's all about the new Series Malmstone reward. I will be grinding CC for the initial future when 6.5 drops just to get that bad boy (which I am naming "True Monarchy" since it seems to be similarly designed and from the same content vein).
I love the pvp pants
here we go with the caster robes again! time to look like a grandma with crocs while EVERYONE else looks badass. 🎉🎉🎉
That PvP gear looks drippy asf
Head dressings all look great. Really not impressed with the rest of it. The armor looks much like a repeat on what we have seen before.
I am a big fan of the Sporty looking gear. I am actually going to grind those out I think, even though I never touch PVP. I think I've seen some people complain they're immersion breaking or don't fit the setting, but… let me point you to Garlemald, Magitek casual wear as seen with Cid, Nero, and other Garlean/Ironworks characters. I think it suits the setting just fine under their specific umbrella.
I wish we had more lightly armored outfits as I feel a lot of gear in the last few patches, Tome Armors, Raid Sets (both Abyssos and Anabaesos or however it's spelled), Alliance Raid sets, and just gear in general has leaned a bit much on the plated/more cumbersome looking side of things with lots of skirts or capes and such. I am probably in the minority with this though, but it would have been nice to see more minimalistic sets or just lighter armor in general.
The new Alliance Raid stuff… I'll have to see them dyed and each piece on it's own ,but I do kind of agree they look a bit samey to the prior Alliance sets and have the same problem I have in the paragraph prior. I guess they're all kind of on theme similarly to how the NieR stuff all had a sort of theme going on? But like I said above, it'd have been nicer to have less plate armory/lighter options. Although, for Caster/Healers, less robes would also be appreciated as many have stated too lol. Here's hoping one day they just let us make outfits without class limitations. Just let us slap on whatever we want no matter what class we play.
The PVP armor sets look fantasitc, techwear is very cool. But likely class restricted, meaning I'm not using them.
I wish maiming gear was better proportioned in the chest & shoulders for female characters. DRGs are out here looking like linebackers. 😩
If I didn't know any better, I swear they just straight up decided to get inspiration from PSO2 NGS with that futuristic gear. I can't say I'm a fan but can't say I hate it either… I dunno.
As for the PvP gear? This gear is one of the best in-game sets they've ever made, imo. I LOVE this style, and have been waiting for more of it! But people will always complain – back in 2019 when I started playing, people in novice chat were mad about the car being brought over from FF15! They kept going on about how it broke their immersion and it's too high tech! MEanwhile, we have a super future tech tower we call 'Heaven on High' that's just a big super computer. We fight a robot god. There's plenty of high tech stuff, and every city state/nation seems to be in a different era – there's feudal Japan out East, but other city states are FAR more advanced than others. Styles will vary, and evolve just like in real life!
And if people don't like it? They don't have to wear it! Easy!
Thanks again, Meoni, for another great vid!
You probably don't get told this enough, but thank you for doing all these very informative videos. <3
More robes than a brothel. ATP they should hire some random fashion student to come up with glam for healers and casters, because all of their gear is so uninspired and monotonous. The sole exception is the fire PvP gear. That (presumably different) team is clearly not afraid of thinking out of the box and introducing fresh designs.
Personally, I love the caster and healer sets! I’m so happy since the rest aside from maybe the tank is just unwearable for me lol. Tbh I’m a ranged main and probably won’t even go for theirs until I’ve gotten the rest. The heavy, chunky looking armor is so rarely good. If only they’d remove the random spikes they’re so fond of and make the shape of the boots less pointy. The limbo and nier stuff is so nice. I wish they’d do more casual, softer sets like those two.
The alliance gear is dull and generic looking – if I didn't know better, I would've thought it was Pandaemonium gear. That said, I expect it to look MUCH better dyed.
As a caster I welcome being a goth princess. 💅
We all have different tastes when it comes to armor appearance. Personally, I prefer the healer and caster sets and the others I don't find appealing. Perhaps when I see them in game I will change my opinion. I want the first boss's armor!
When is the patch?
Are there new tomes? Tomes gear?
The raid 3 coin upgrade ?
I find it noteworthy that the Viera/Hrothgar headgear problem is indirectly becoming relevant to all races, as they are designing less helms and hats. Interesting. Thanks for the video, Meoni