FFXIV 6.0 What’s the Best Possible Future of Forspoken with @Mrhappy1227 | Work To Game
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What’s the future look like for Final Fantasy XIV.
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That camera size swapping is a bit annoying haha
i want to like unreal but the rewards are absolute trash and make it not worth doing.
Disclaimer: this comment is toxic and is not to be taken beyond a grain of salt.
The best, if only, outcome for this “Forspoken” is to not exist as the lore and structure of the very game is beyond all recognition; to the point that it’s not even a Final Fantasy anymore, so alien is the game now. This best case scenario of nonexistence will not come to pass and this abomination (“Forspoken”) is met with nonresistance. I must skip this expansion as well.
I may have a crazy idea that's not not be popular lol. Long ago, FF14 used to reward veterans via exclusive items like minions, glamour, and other items. I wish Yoshi P would do that again to give thanks for those that stuck around. Perhaps people who subbed for over 1000 days or even 2000 days get an exclusive things again. It doesn't even need to be an item. It can be a small events with titles to show it off.
As a veteran of FF14 who has been subbed none stop since the launch, I am starting to find the game too predictable. Dont get me wrong, I like how contents gets pushed and I am still very pleased with it but I want something new. Veterans rewards is one and like mentioned in the video weekly special dungeons with modifiers
Wasn't PVP in ARR 4v4? I wonder why they went away from that
The content gap is by design. It's been something that has been in place since HW dropped years ago. Because of how it is made, there will always be an empty "middle" space because you have nothing to fill between the level cap story dungeons and the current end game. Unless their content cycle changes, this won't be fixed.
The large PvP matches weren't why they died. They died because the maps suck. The only map people had interest in was 72 man Shatter because it was small enough for conflict. The rest are too wide open with no fights or very little fights. If they don't address the map design, nothing is going to change regardless of the different modes or disabling heals. PvP was booming until the exp nerf and the maps in rotation.
Whatever they do with the Bozja stuff in the future, they need a drastic overhaul if they're planning to keep people in it. It is clear that it's something for achievement hunters rather than casual or savage raid players
There is one thing about catch up mechanics. They aren't necessary if you make the game scale linearly. But EVERY expansion, they make it exponential instead. STOP with exponential increases.
PVP is brought up time and time again in your discussions/ podcasts, so I want to add my 2 cents. The biggest problem isn't the long queue time. The reason why PVP in FF XIV will never work is, that when I have a 28 ms ping to the server. The other player models seem to have thousands of ms lag. They never seem to be where they are and they glitch wildly over the plane. The most probable reason for this is, that FF server must have an insanely high tick rate. The rate at which positions of players are updated. In normal situations, you will not notice, but everyone has experienced the situation, that there was a ground target, you move out, it still hits, and you lie dead, but outside of the targeted area, where usually there should not have happened any attack.
In a PVP game, this is unacceptable. Because of that, I already find the PVP modes hardly playable. Player positions, attack registration, etc. Everything runs with a massive delay. And the problem is, it's not possible to just flip a switch and increase the tick rate. You have to rewrite so much code, they could just as well release a whole new game.
Oooohh! Another collaboration! This is cool. A part of me doesn’t want to speculate too much as I really love that surprise factor, be it for the story or anything else. But I do like hearing you guys talk about it. Often you voice thoughts I didn’t know were lurking at the back of my mind lol. Thank you. Stay safe. ❤️
I'm already hyped…. and the announcements haven't even happened yet!!
I don't know but I've quit 7 times now😭…..going back when the new jobs drop.
For me…
The system that needs the most expansion is the Trust system.
Needs to be expanded all the way down to ARR.
Needs to be expanded to Trials (Storyline only not the optional difficulties).
That'd make me happy. It'd help the campaign feel more like a traditional FF title, also it'd help players learn the mechanics without having to endure the community toxicity.
Hell, even if it's just revamping the Squadron system to have trust like AI or allowing players to create/recruit npcs.
My reason for this is…
The game is getting bigger. And its downright overwhelming for me players.
The main scenario is a great experience…but this is where the MMO aspect becomes a hindrance…
This video dropped at such a good time because just yesterday I was watching my friend on his first ever journey through ARR.
And his experience was heavily toxic.
He was new…and I didn't want to spoil the dungeon for him. He picked up the boss mechanics well, but he wasn't skilled enough for the mass pulls and etc.
After 3 wipes he dropped group because he just couldn't handle the stress and his group refused to adapt to having a new player healer.
So he took a break and we played Warframe together. During our session he was like: "Maybe I should just swap to dps? Is the game worth continuing in?"
I told him Heavensward and beyond is more than worth it.
To be fair. I understand the frustration of the more experienced players.
They're absolutely fried on older content, and don't want to have to deal with teaching it, or having to play it at a slower pace.
I get it…the burnout is real.
But ironically, this perpetuates the drive for new players to buy story and level skips…but then…they are in current content lacking the skills many pick up via the leveling experience.
But…it is what it is.
I just thought to myself…"Trusts desperately need to be expanded…"
So players can catch up to current content with ease, learn the game, and etc.
We have a good PvE and Story..but PvP is kinda lackluster…I know the game isn't real action game but still, it just needs some minor improvements. Smaller text font for UI, blue mage being balanced for PvP, Frontline que popout/sound notification, new 2v2/3v3 map like Heavens Arena from the King's Avatar, close-range magic caster… more PvP quests and rewards, more mounts… mybe combine PvE with PvP…players fighting for bosses or to capture certain Area world pvp like…and get rewards for PvE/PvP gear + mounts…maybe chat bubbles, maybe they could ditch subscription nd focus on selling skins…because if u are not in for PvE it is kinda not worth it to get a subscription…mybe shorter global cooldown…2 seconds instead 2,5 seconds
I don’t get it. Why in the hell do a MMORPG need pvp at all? All time in this mode are wasted.
All times you got a running jumping guy and a melee who don’t get him. The first wo land the stun wins. -pure fun
Mythic+ please
PvP will never be a focus for ffxiv, to hope for that is to hope for nothing.
It drives me crazy when the audio and video aren't synced up exact. <_>;
what I love to see and maybe incentive for any limited jobs in the future is to have a box to check like doing a battle unsynced where you could have limited jobs join. because running unsync is already breaking game balance in those situations.
Idea for us new players, it would be helpful to have an acronym/term explanation video.
Good stuff
I really hope 6.0 has a bit more exploration/zones in the open world content. I think he did wanted to have bigger zones at one point but would be cool to have north, west, south, east sides of one particular region. Like south shroud and north shroud.
Best possible future things:
> Character based limit breaks instead of party based limit breaks. Let me use my "useless" limit break and not have to sacrifice it to another melee dps'er.
> Unreal dungeons and raids. Let us lay those low level dungeons with max characters but don't feel heavily overpowered.