Find a Static in FFXIV! Final Fantasy XIV #ff14#shorts

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5 thoughts on “Find a Static in FFXIV! Final Fantasy XIV #ff14#shorts”

  1. Preferably find a group that has a sense of humor, finds funny ways to reset and doesnt mind wiping for the sake of learning. Best to have fun when progging than being in a party of tryhards that get pissy reeeeeal easily

  2. I've found it's less stressful to just cancel my sub after finishing the story, then resub when the next expansion comes out and you can easily get pretty much the best gear simply using poetics. Maybe off by 10 ilvl, but the gear will still take you near the end of the lvl cap. This way you skip SE's method of keeping players to keep paying. Fail/pass raids all week long, for 2 months, then your gear is outdated. Rinse and repeat until the next expansion. I get to skip all that waste and fluff

  3. So, true i wanna try finding a group of people that i'm comfortable raiding with. Wanna try savage at least once during my wibter break but i'm too damn shy to put myself out there 😂 . Thanks for your tips always appreciate them !


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