FFXIV 1.0 – 90 Mins Of Limsa Lominsa Cutscenes – Private Server

Using The Unending Journey book to view Limsa Lominsa cutscenes. If I got that wrong, let me know and I’ll change description.


7 thoughts on “FFXIV 1.0 – 90 Mins Of Limsa Lominsa Cutscenes – Private Server”

  1. The fact the marauder uses a pistol like that sheds some doubt on to the long held belief we had about seperate gun wielding classes being slated for release.
    Is it perhaps possible that marauder was going to have a gun as a secondary weapon at some point in development and this was scrapped and later resurfaced in machinist?

  2. Man say what you will about 1.0, the cutscenes and audio were so much more well done than the current game. These cutscenes are along the lines of single player FF titles. They didn't just limit movements and actions to what is available in gameplay/emotes/etc. Also your character actually has a voice in these cutscenes.


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