Gosh, I LOVE.this. theme. Was #1 on my spotify rewind for 2021. Got me through a bunch of rough stuff. Such an epically badass piece of music. So smartly composed and crafted. What a journey. LOVE Final Fantasy XIV.
00:00 Intro
01:14 Music
01:40 Quick Interjection
02:19 Music pt2
08:06 Post Discussion
“Shadowbringers” is the main theme of Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers. It was composed by Masayoshi Soken and Nobuo Uematsu and arranged by Soken. The lyrics were written by Michael-Christopher Koji Fox, with vocals by Amanda Achen-Keenan and Jason Charles Miller.
Amanda Achen: https://www.instagram.com/amandasingsthings/
Jason Charles Miller: https://www.jasoncharlesmiller.com/
When it comes to this song – for me aside of awesome vocals by J.C.Miller, Eternal Wind section performed on strings was the strongest moment in this piece. Then, of course trailer itself, and it's probably strongest piece of visual presentation of the game for now. I still think that Shadowbringers is stronger than Endwalker for many reasons, but mostly – characters. Crystal Exarch and Emet-Selch are probably best characters in the game and in Shadowbringers they are at their best.
And the music. It's really hard to pick favourites, but for me it would be Shadowbringers music again. Everything from somber theme of small villages in Kholusia and Ahm Araeng, to "La Hee" in Rak'tika, to melancholy of the Tempest (man, I expected dark and tense music there with some metal elements maybe, the name Tempest suggests something like that, instead we got feeling of sadness over lost time, truest sense of nostalgia – craving to return back home to better times, to people now lost… I was not ready for it, I must admit). Shadowbringers just has so many moments that hit those emotions so hard.
Shadowbringers brought the Nier raids and the Nier raids were the main reason I wanted to play it. FFXIV ended up becoming my favorite game and the music is absolutely beautiful.
If you’re going to listen to “Daughter of the Dark God” from Octopath, I’d highly recommend this video: https://youtu.be/vwDSnAhLwto
It’s an amalgamation mashup of each of the 8 main character’s themes, culminating in the songs used in the final boss fight: “The One That They Call Witch” -> “Moment of Truth” -> and finally “Daughter of the Dark God”;
You can’t really separate Witch from Dark God, they’re intrinsically linked via the leitmotif used in the songs in that fight, and they just don’t work separately, while they’re each good on their own, it’s hard for me to say to just listen to one or the other, as it’d just leave you confused
Couldn't agree more with you on FFXIV music. The variety they come up with is insane. I am so glad I started FFXIV last year, absolute treat.
As always, loved to hear your thoughts on this piece, very interesting to listen to!
he should react to Astalgia of Phantasm from lost ark
Such a banger. I can't play ff14, but the music is something I like listening to. Thank you for the reaction, and thank you for the lyrics. I always like to have lyrics when I'm watching and listening to a song like this.
There’s something magical about the sheer power behind the male choral section apparent in several songs in the expansion. When it hits, it’s just SO empowering, it feels like it lifts you up to achieve impossible feats.
I don’t understand how Soken does it, writing masterpieces that feel like they manipulate my soul into feeling more powerful
FFXIV OST ist incredible for sure. Two weeks ago I saw the "Distant Worlds" Final Fantasy Orchestra live and it was amazing. The only XIV song they played was "Heavensward" but it gave me the most intense chills ever.
They also played the whole 12 or so minute Opera from FF VI, which was just a surreal thing to listen to.
Then they finished with One Winged Angel after teasing the audience, pretending they weren't going to play it.
I can only recommend seeing it live if you ever get the chance. It absolutely made me crave a FFXIV focused concert, since that's my favourite Final Fantasy OST.
I had no Idea that you Play FFXIV too and know Amanda. That's so cool! Not a lot of people talk about this detail about this song, but I'd think you'd love it. The melody that is played during the Violin part is the Eternal Winds from FFIII. It was played in the trailer when they reaveled the Crystal Tower which is also from FFIII. Not only this but FFXIV used it for a character in a 2.X story, it's actually musically foreshadowing this character in Shadowbringers many years later!
Imagine my overwhelming joy: I subscribe for the hope of more Ace Combat coverage and, the next day, am greeted with Shadowbringers.
This song is so powerful and when they insert the violins in the middle while playing Eternal Wind from Final Fantasy III, this song elevates to a new level. Really one of the best I've ever heard.
What I took away from this is that you know Amanda Achen! Such an amazing talent, and her performance at FanFest was beautiful. I hope to see/hear her perform in person at the next FanFest. I don't think you're through Endwalker yet? So don't want to spoil you, but she has some beautiful performances there that I'd love to hear a live version of.
This is like everything in 1. Its fucking awesome I love it. Always wanted to really get into 14 but the start felt a little repetive. Its clear the game is good I just havent gotten to enjoy enough yet. Also theres Nier stuff if I'm not wrong. Thats awesome. Would be like the only thing I would use lol, anything nier related
Every once in a while, I catch just a few notes. The notes are a thematic sequence that I feel come in many FF songs.
I don’t know if you already have or not but you should reach to any of the God of War 2018 OST pieces
Surprised you haven't done a video of any version of the opera song in ff6
The opera getting a whole song later as "tomorrow and tomorrow" was a nice touch, and also a bit of a shock when you realize it isnt about the Hero of Light. It also makes "Flow" feel more familiar in endwalker making the scene its played during more personal. I wouldnt watch any video for Flow though unless you dont mind Endwalker spoilers.
To correct my previous comment: You gotta check out 'The Four Rings', and 'She Rules The Battlefield full suite' from Fate Heavens Feel Ost. They can be found here respectivly https://youtu.be/U6IPdxz24ao
(Had to edit this like 5 times cuz the songs are hard to find named properly and seperated)
When’s the Godfrey OST reaction?
that's all I'll say about ShB expansion.
I don't know how far you are into EW, because there's some powerful music moments in this expansion
Do you know ishgard theme is in NieR Replicant? It's actually the theme of Louise.
you loved Shadowbringers? you'll ADORE Footfalls ♥
You should react to this please and thank you i bet you $10000000 it'll blow you away it did me when i heard it !
Ironmouse Sings When I Look at You Full Song (Operatic Mouse) (Idol Mouse)
I actually wonder what his thoughts were on the Final Fantasy VI pixel remastered take on the opera scene done in the different languages. It's namely because it's the first time un the game that they have been voiced and it's different from how it's performed in distant worlds for those that have seen that.
But I'd just love to see the thoughts on it Considering his Opera background.
The recorded it in: English, Spanish, Italian, French, German, Korean, and Japanese. And I have to say each has it's own style and take on the piece.
New subscriber here it would be awesome if you could react to some undertale ost’s. One of my favorites is Waterfall
I'm just so waiting for you to get to Endwalker
Not sure if you have know about it but Code Vein is also a soulslike with some great music for me, I think you'd like Juzo Mido's or the guardian of the throat's ost.
Hey, I just discovered your channel today and I'm having a great time checking your past videos!
Especially liked the amount of emotions you feel through music (I had tears forming while listening to Kaine song)
Anyway I want to propose an unusual song, I don't think many people remember it.
The song is "Beyond the Bounds" from Zone of the Enders 2 soundtrack.
It's the main theme and was used for the game trailer (6+ minutes of trailer video, Kojima style )
I love it so much just like I love the game itself.
We will never ever have a mech game like ZOE anymore ;_;
Please react to god eater 3 soundtrack – tied to tomorrow
Suggestion: not that many people played Final Fantasy Type-0 so may I suggest "Divine Fire" as a reaction song? It's the main theme of the game.
Endwalker was amazing, but ShB is probably my favorite expac.
I think I know which early Shadowbringers cutscene made you drop your jaw and put down your phone 😁 I remember when things suddenly got SO disturbing and violent and I was simultaneously horrified and also like "WOW they're really going there, this is awesome!"
They challenged our expectations and pushed the limits so much in Shadowbringers, it was awe-inspiring. Someday I'll experience it again with NG+.
Could you comment on 'Astalgia of phantasm'?
It's final raid ost of LOST ARK.
Dude I really wish you could react to fatalis from monster hunter world. it's amazing.
one of my sad realization is now that endwalker is out, sprouts wont be bombarded with RIDING HOME anymore on the menu screen.
after watching the trailer countless times and seeing the SHB menu screen, the RIDING HOME ingame had a huge impact on me.
same with WINGS OF HOPE.
FFXIV really puts music into the game that without it most scenes will have less impact.
just on top of my head, the emotional impact of tsuyu's wayward daughter and suzaku's theme
also hearing the songs first is totally different once you know the context or now associate it with certain scenes ingame. an example is ive heard of tomorrow in spotify and it didnt hit me in the feels but once ive heard it enough ingame it makes me emotional hearing it now.
I didnt know if I liked this song at first (it usually takes time for me to get used to vocal FF14 music) but then the strings come full force with 'Eternal Wind' from Final Fantasy 3. It was 100% the nostalgia that sold me on this song, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.
I love how everytime someone in the music world hears XIV tracks they are blown away, whether they play or not.
I can't wait for you to finish endwalker! Some great songs there that I hope you react to
It reminded me Stratovarius somehow hehe
Maestro Soken!!!
Nothing else has to be said.
the ShB OST is not from this planet.. I now belive Soken is an Alien from an far advanced Civilisation deep in the Orchestral Cluster in the Milkyway 😀
Has he done Answer yet?? If so someone link me the video!!
I looked through his channel and didn’t see it in there yet ☹️, though I might have just missed it.
When eternal wind kicks in, I cry every time
Something that I didn't realize until this video is that the violin section is from FF3 which ties directly into the Crystal Tower, hinting at a plot twist
this is actually multiple songs mashed together for the trailer- the opening part is actually from the song 'tomorrow and tomorrow' and most of rest is the song called 'one who brings shadow', with the violin part in the middle from 'eternal winds'.