FFXIV Coins & Pax East 2024 | SoH | #394

A new currency has been introduced for Xbox players: FFXIV Coin! Patch 6.58 is out now and we look through and discuss the patch notes. And of course, Pax East happened and we go through everything we learned from the event. And of course – MogMail!

MogMail: https://speakersxiv.com/mogmail/

00:00:00 – Intro
00:01:30 – Welcome
00:04:23 – RE: FFXIV Coins
00:15:47 – RE: Patch 6.58
00:31:03 – MogMail: Heritage Found
00:37:13 – RE: Is The New World A New Continent?
00:45:02 – RE: Nashmeira in Expansion Art?
00:50:44 – FFXIV Pax East Summary


2 thoughts on “FFXIV Coins & Pax East 2024 | SoH | #394”

  1. So in other words, FFXIV is now on X-Box… but all the X-Box players will get a Playstation 5 and immediately sell their X-Box because Playstation 5 has such better customer service. Yoshi-P doesn't give a shit. He's hoping all the X-Box players will defect to PS5 or the computer game and sell their X-Box Xs. Microsoft will have to make their FFXIV money on PC now because they f'ked up by putting FFXIV on X-Box and then trying to microtransact the hell out of it. XD

  2. personally very happy we're not getting a 3rd weird horse for the collector's edition mount, even if it makes the cash shop Cruise Chaser even sillier now. i don't even use that damn thing because of the smoke effect while flying is so overwhelming and now there's Ark as a complete upgrade.

    console pre-order privilege is real, after beating SE online store Ultimate my PC playing buddies had to wait 5+ hours and one had to send a support ticket to get their earring and minion while i got my stuff immediately upon logging in and registering it. Really glad I didn't want the collector's box, too, sounds like the whole thing completely broke.


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