FFX14 Made Swifty Cry, Summit1g Gets Trolled – Daily FFXIV Community Clips

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This is a highlight video for the highest viewed clips with the topic Final Fantasy XIV Online made on 2021-07-19. Remember to like and subscribe!

If you are the owner of any clips used and you want your content blacklisted and removed from all of my videos please email me at blacklist@autoalai.com

00:00 intro

00:07 The Man, The Myth, The Legend
Swifty – https://clips.twitch.tv/OnerousEvilChipmunkSoBayed-aovxqa6wo3z9Yq99

00:38 Summit gets baited by Cape Wipewind meme
summit1g – https://clips.twitch.tv/HandsomeNurturingCamelYouDontSay-dS1ZCrY1TZ_0TA1O

01:38 Rich and Asmon marriage
richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/MuddyInspiringTrollEagleEye-JvoQHfMLuEwylIVt

02:02 Josh Tells us why Asmongold moves his eyebrows a lot
JoshStrifeHayes – https://clips.twitch.tv/FlirtyTameWallabyMingLee-FPL8JRWk7vYENMlP

richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/InventiveIgnorantCookieBleedPurple-KN0ZGpEE4TQbawv1

03:29 He has changed
zackrawrr – https://clips.twitch.tv/LaconicInquisitiveTapirKappaPride-RkZ9c4t5yJm9yzJA

03:40 Hey! Are you okay?
richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/CredulousStylishKaleFutureMan–tpBxs4QNaHcqVVC

03:52 Yikers
Burt_Macklind – https://clips.twitch.tv/PiercingLitigiousClipzCmonBruh-1dzEnnwRroMUzDbw

04:51 Nooooooo
summit1g – https://clips.twitch.tv/PhilanthropicHorribleWoodcockTwitchRaid-wI1chWYaOJM-LoE_

05:10 Rich Ponders Life and Lalas
richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/OilyBoringChipmunkShazBotstix-MojHNNKPt2O9EiP_

06:06 First taste
richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/EntertainingSullenYakinikuPastaThat-Qw_65EBIwa6j7F8n

06:12 Always Winning
richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/SpookyEsteemedInternJKanStyle-5nIuH3oKNEGDErRV

06:30 Same Quest
richwcampbell – https://clips.twitch.tv/TrappedShortReindeerResidentSleeper-ntx61HucoahTqpaT

summit1g – https://clips.twitch.tv/ImportantCautiousSeahorseFutureMan-cLCz2_wx-i9deglU

08:11 0.1% feelsbad asmon
summit1g – https://clips.twitch.tv/BoxyMoldyShrewCorgiDerp-x-27cW2WBlT5hpes

#Autoalai #FFXIV #Swifty


21 thoughts on “FFX14 Made Swifty Cry, Summit1g Gets Trolled – Daily FFXIV Community Clips”

  1. @2:55 In fact, a bee flies by creating mini hurricanes by rotating their wings, the pockets of air pressure lift them through the air, I guess Asmon doesn’t know everything, Josh! 🤣

  2. swifty should fuck off from wow after they abandon him after that fake news from his EX galfiend making up lies about him beating and sexually abusing it

  3. Super sad that I have been trying for years to get a community to watch me stream XIV and then these guys hop on and BAM! ridiculous amounts of views and followers….Most of them have never even played a FF game before this. Happy that the game is finally getting the attention it disserves

  4. Honestly, if I had the setup to stream, you’d see weeks of me just calculating how many pieces of ore I have to mine or trees I need to chop to craft. And then getting annoyed because I miscounted.


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