Big fan of triple meter c:
Full Endwalker playlist here:
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FINAL FANTASY XIV © 2010-2022 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. All Rights Reserved.
ono Uvi, bots!
Castlevania ass beat
Uvi at it again. Thanks for the upload, champ!
The part at 1:58 from onwards makes me feels weirdly nostalgic idk why, maybe it’s a motif from an old FF?
troia in minor keys? yes please
You're so early with the upload! Thank you so much!
I really loved that they included the Troian Beauty motif from ff4
Very grateful for the voidsent mommy as well
Why yes I did order Bloodborne in my FF14
I don't know what's more beautiful. The music or the 13th
This song slaps so good.
Love harpsichords. This was a fun dungeon and theme really helped it out.
Very nicely recorded!
This was an awesome remix of some ffiv music
What was once a beautiful kingdom consumed by darkness 😭 ohhhh these nostalgic motifs
so much ff4 in these soundtracks!!! my heart is full of joy