Fallen Angel Wings – How to get them in FFXIV Endwalker

In this video you’ll learn how to get these fancy new wings and maybe even find a new gil making opportunity for yourself.

Are you interested in them at all? If so, will you farm for them or take the easy way by buying vouchers on the market board? Let us know in the comments!

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7 thoughts on “Fallen Angel Wings – How to get them in FFXIV Endwalker”

  1. my Wol is basically Genesis Rhapsodos so I feel obligated to work towards this eventually tbh. Much as I love my dyed Demonic Wings glamour, these match the CC wing better imo and I could start to look more closely at other coats to see if any match his signature red leather coat better.

    At least I have lots of other jobs to level along the way? :D?

  2. Honestly, fuck the wings. I'm working towards that mount for the same bicolor gemstone vauchers. The wings AFAIK are accessory, so you can only have them stay on you in cities, while you don't do anything (interact, play the game etc.) They disappear like the faux glasses for 100K MGP from the saucer as soon as you enter combat. Complete waste of vauchers, as I see it.

  3. dammit. thats 75mill! I want them but they are not worth that much! I haven't done a single EW fate either. Guess I'll just be happy with my Diabolos wings until prices either come down on those vouchers or I can start getting them myself.

  4. As cool as these are, it kind of pisses me off that they are nothing more than a RESKINNED an item… literally all they did was make the angel wings black. And then they want to make you either work super hard or waste a fuckton of gil? Why didn't they do this for something completely new? Idk… just seems like it's not worth the time or money put into it. But hey, at least its a decent way to make money i guess.


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