Ex Wow Player Didn't Expect To Enjoy Final Fantasy XIV…

I Didn’t Expect To Enjoy Final Fantasy XIV This Much Final Fantasy 14 Reminds Me Of When I First Tried WoW because of the …


38 thoughts on “Ex Wow Player Didn't Expect To Enjoy Final Fantasy XIV…”

  1. A lot of people have said this already but you don’t need to make alts for other jobs! You can do all the jobs on your single Hrothgar character! Theres even achievements and mounts + pets you can get for getting them all to max level!

    Enjoy Eorzea! And welcome!

  2. The fact that one of the hooks for this game to you was being able to recreate a character of your own personal design is some kind of precious. Genuinely amazing 😀

  3. Skill is not really required in MSQ and normal trials/dungeons, and the game does a good job to ease you into new mechanics as you progress. Savage content is where it will put your skill to test, but for now, just enjoy the wonderful story.

  4. Another one bites the dust 🙂 You know, there's something I learned over the years. If a ton of people are saying something, there's usually some truth to it. Which becomes even more relevant if they are your people or have similar circumstances to you, in this case wow refugees.

    Anyway, the algorithm directed me your way so GL and enjoy!

  5. I feel like FFXIV is like the new world where all the refugees go to. Although I started FFXIV when it launched, I still consider myself a refugee. I am from long line of KMMORPG like Aion and Rift. At first, I was skeptical. But I have also played FF11 online so that made me patient enough to keep playing. Fast forward 10 years, I'm still playing it. I vividly remember the first time playing an MMORPG back in 1999. I felt like I was playing a revolutionary game unlike any other. When I play FFXIV, I feel the same. It feels like 2nd renascence for MMORPG. The community are very sociable and great to be with. Content can be played as casual or hardcore. Choosing either don't punish you. FFXIV is truly redefining what MMORPG is.

  6. The group content is usually fine until you get to the extreme and savage tiers of fights where things are tough on purpose. It’s good to think of everything as a dance and you just have to learn the steps tho the bosses will keep you on your toes sure enough.

    But also yeah if you like FFX and kingdoms hearts 2 then you’re going to enjoy FF14. Just without spoiling anything, you are actually relevant to the story. Should be obvious but it’s not where in other mmos where you’re the muscle and “a champion” you’re THE warrior of light and the actions you take and the people you help, hell even the classes you level, will be referenced and known in later expansions.

    You’re playing a final fantasy game first and foremost after all. Tho with all the crafting, gathering, gardening, gambling, card playing, fashion showing, flying, cooking, and everything else, it’s easy to forget you’re supposed to be saving people.

    Oh and everyone says ARR is a slog (and I can admit it’s slower) they’ve really made it less of an annoyance running through the game again. The game will hit its stride for sure in HW but I mean, it goes from an already good game to a better one as you keep rolling and it wouldn’t be possible without the bones ARR provides for the world. Also the abilities get much cooler and they keep their weighty feeling so no worries there.

    Anyways welcome to FF14! Hope you continue having fun 😀

  7. Welcome to the game. As i'm sure MANY have already said, take the game at your own pace and enjoy the ride. Its all about the journey. Oh, and you are in for a LOT of fun my friend lol

  8. Welcome to FF14! I’ve noticed you pay attention to the dialogue. Sometimes I feel like the story made me a better person in some ways. It can feel like a slog sometimes (especially ARR), but the build up always pays off. Just take your time and enjoy the journey!

  9. Honestly I always go sub to FF14 when I'm having a difficult time because it's such a friendly place to visit. Hope you don't stress over anything and just have a nice time.

  10. What hooked me on FFXIV is that, from ARR to Endwalker, you're on a continuous journey where EVERY leg of it is relevant. There are questions that are raised in ARR that will only be answered in Shadowbringers, or Endwalker. That's so rare to see in an MMO period, let alone on the level you experience it in FFXIV.

    I played WoW for 14 years, and while I have fond memories of it, I never felt like what I did in Cata, or TBC, or Wrath had a profound effect on the overall narrative. In fact, it felt like, from expansion to expansion, I was playing a completely new story that was only loosely threaded together, rather than a meaningful, progressive narrative.

    Just look at how WoW allows you to choose which expansion you want to level through. That's possible only because nothing happens in those expansions that has any real impact on the experience as a whole.

    WoW felt more like an anthology with a loose wraparound segment, whereas FFXIV feels like a book series where you have to start at the beginning and read through to the end to understand the full weight of the story.

    My only advice is to take your time. Ask questions. That last one is incredibly important.

    Story is so unimportant in the grand scheme of things in most MMO's, when you play FFXIV I've seen people blow through the story like it's not important to remember any of it. That's a huge mistake, because EVERY person, place and event you witness could end up being relevant to the overall story in FFXIV. That kid you save at level 25 could come back to play a pivotal role at level 50, or beyond.

    FFXIV pays off story immersion in a way I've never seen in an MMO.

  11. Pretty sure everyone told you already but you don’t have to make new characters to play other classes.

    Also lower level alt classes gets extra xp when lower then your highest level class on your character

  12. Welcome to ff14 we are happy to have u ❤️❤️ I am sick of the whole wow vs ff14 videos cuz no game is perfect both games have pros and cons and I am really glad this video is not it, and hope u enjoy ur stay in ff14 take your time cuz story is part of the fun, endgame is good but ff14 advanture starts the moment u create ur character.

  13. Unlike most MMO. you don't need to make alts. Once you reach level 10 in your starting class and complete the class quest associated with your guild, you can freely join and switch between all the starting classes + Rogue (which you unlock in Limsa.) Also, Welcome to Famfrit!

  14. The starting zones are different and each job has it's own story line. Some are better told than others. Paladin is especially poorly told. Interesting concept, but it goes nowhere.

    You may want to level a Rogue. It's plot is written by the written that wrote the last two expansions, the one famous for their incredible plot. It's like a sweet taste for what's to come.

    Other highlights are Black Mage and Pugilist.

    Also the crafting jobs have their own story lines. Alchemist is a high note.

  15. Welcome to the World!

    Small suggestion, but I would change your Opening Screen fro endwalker, to where ever you are in the story. Not only will it protect you from certain spoilers. but it's fun to see the cinematic evolve along with the story.

    Unlike WoW the story is arguably the Most important part of the game. so take your time to enjoy all the dialogue and cut scenes.

  16. Welcome to FFXIV!! I have a few tips that may be of use in your journey.

    1. Don't idle on the title screen too long. After a moment, it will auto-play the cinematic for the current expansion which can spoiler you if you're not careful. There's no setting to turn this off, so be careful.

    2. You will find that most of the community will go out of our way to avoid spoilers, so you should be good on that unless you click on a Reddit post labelled as having spoilers.

    3. Now that you have the Endwalker expansion, that includes Stormblood and Shadowbringers, you can unlock every job in the game provided you meet its requirements.

    4. Although alts are not needed, it was nice to be able to see all of the openings this game has to offer, since you cannot play the other two openings you did not pick in New Game +.

    5. As you've no doubt noticed, the Main Scenario Quests are the top priority in this game. MSQ progression determines what side content that you can unlock.

    6. Most of the Yellow side quests can be ignored without having to worry. They're there mostly to get you acquainted with the area, or they add to the game's lore.

    7. Blue Quest markers ALWAYS have something for you to earn or unlock. Be sure to look into them whenever you have time. Your job quests fall under this category and should never be ignored.

    8. There is one Blue Quest that should be done ASAP, so it gets its own number. When you have completed the MSQ which allows you to travel freely between the three cities, there is an NPC at Limsa Lominsa, in the Drowning Wench where you met Baderon, named S'dohdjbi. Her quest will unlock the Challenge Log which will give you extra EXP/gil just for doing things you normally would, and it resets every Tuesday morning.


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