Even the FFXIV community has its bad apples – Ow the edge!

#shorts #ffxiv
This interaction while running the first NieR raid (The Puppets’ Bunker) left a very deep impression on me. Great game and very good community overall, but this dude was quite a character, let’s say.
New videos soon.


31 thoughts on “Even the FFXIV community has its bad apples – Ow the edge!”

  1. I gotta ask what cutscenes are there to watch in Alliances? None of the content has story cutscenes except maybe at the start of the dungeon where everyone is locked anyway. All the story in it is played out through in world models instead of cutscenes. What even prompted this entire conversation? I hate instapullers that don't wait for everyone to actually get to the boss arena but I've never even thought about cutscenes factoring into anything except maybe the Crystal Tower series.

  2. This remind me one run farming on the Bahamunt raid floor 2 for the event tomes, someone was just talking non-stop about how he hated the game and how bad it was, etc. we also were waiting for a first timer. We all started to compliment each other after every single mini boss, say how much we loved the game and what a great team we had, when we reached the last sphere on the rot stance we were all like "group hug!" "Share the love you guys!" "I love you guys!" "Come and kiss me you all" and that stuff, he was quiet since sphere 2 but once he finished he told us to fuck ourselves and leaved right away the raid was done xd

  3. Had that very rare occurence before also in an alliance raid WoD to be precise. Dude is being such a dick because of sprouts watching the cutscene. Someone from the alliance got pissed at him for being inconsiderate and marked him with Ignore for the entire run. Had a good laugh at that lol

  4. someone got mad at me for healing their tank in cloud deck extreme because they weren't doing it to the point their warrior had to immune a bunch of times, I kid you not, "why are you healing my tank, guess I'll dps" and "could you not heal my tank, thanks" like bro aight didnt know me being a better healer was a bad thing, esp when you died and I still kept both groups alive

  5. I once was really rusty on WHM and let a Bard die cause I couldn't remember my keybinds. He spent the rest of the dungeon telling me I didn't know what a healer was. I told him healers are like a DPS but with a pretty green icon lol

  6. Hey, don't know where you all came from, but I'm glad to see you here, just dropped by to say this:
    I've noticed a lot of tribalism down there in the comments and that was never the intent of this video. I came over from WoW around 4 months ago and found a community that received me with open arms and helped me shed the thick layer of toxicity I had built over the years. When I saw someone making a fool of themselves, I decided to upload the interaction because I thought that someone acting in such a way deserved to be laughed at that and to discourage others from engaging in the same sort of behavior, not to reinforce stereotypes and confirm biases, that only makes things worse and makes dummies like this one feel justified. Keep your community (or should I say, our community) great, please!

  7. You know whats the worst thing about these people?
    They think they are actually in the right, and act like the wannabe whit-robbed saints.
    They can make Reddit look like a comfortable place.

  8. There's really no harm in waiting. Some people just don't wanna respect newbies' experience. I guess it's a good reminder for newbies that bad apples do exist in XIV.

  9. i dunno why this is evern a issue, watch the cut scene and let the jerkoffs pull early.. if they die they die. (as a tank i will 100% just step back out of the boss fight arena if i can just so that i can watch the dps who pulled die horribly)

  10. Both times I played XIV, I ran into heaps of people that made this seem like a joke.

    That's not to say that WoW is better, I'm not simping for a dying game whose higher-ups probably actually worship satan, and I'd rather avoid WoW with every fiber of my existence, but both the times I tried XIV, I just… never ran into that all-encompassing and overwhelmingly kind, accepting playerbase that people keep talking about. I just kept running into stuff way worse than this that made my time in EVE Online (which I cite for a comparison of toxicity) feel comfortable and welcoming by comparison. And the times I've made mention of my negative experience in various comment sections, on reddit and the likes, the uniform consensus has been "you must just be a toxic shitter then lmao" so… eh. I'm a toxic shitter for following guides and not adjusting for people playing even worse than I do (and that's making a statement.) Oh well.

  11. Been playing for years and have only met a few people like that. Had to remove one of them from my FC, recently. They do exist within the community, but their number is dwarfed by the amount of friendly and helpful players there are.

  12. As a WoW refugee for the last 3 months I still have to run into bad/angry people, I've seen a few inpatient potatoes pull ahead of the tank and wiping the group, but usually they apologize for the shenanigans, and we move on. I've realized that cutscene downtime is good to do dance offs with your party members.

    Tbh, I haven't seen any of the toxicity you'd see in a random M+ pug and I hope it stays in WoW where it belongs.


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