Don't make these Beginner Mistakes with Red Mage in FFXIV

I hope this video helps you in your Red Mage journey. These are some beginner mistakes I hope you to help you avoid! If you have any questions be sure to leave a comment below. Thank you for watching.

0:00 Intro
0:32 Don’t use Jolt
2:34 Red Mage Opener
3:28 Don’t use Jolt cont.
7:33 Don’t use Displacement
10:55 Where to find more info
12:14 Tidbit about Reprise
14:12 Where to find more info cont. / Outro

#ff14 #redmage #tips #guide #ffxiv


8 thoughts on “Don't make these Beginner Mistakes with Red Mage in FFXIV”

  1. Thank you for watching, if you have any questions about my tips feel free to leave a comment below and I'll do my best to answer them!
    (Also about food for RDM, high quality Carrot Pudding is now the best over Pumpkin Potage)

  2. While this is good advice in general, I would argue that it's somewhat fight dependant. In fights that require you to move alot like Storm's Crown or P6, you're actually better off in the long run holding your accelerations and swift casts for those heavy movements and using jolt until those mechanics come out.


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