Don’t HARASS the VAs 😡| Zepla discusses CYBERBULLYING [FFXIV]

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Editor : TakSangre [Discord : taksangre]


27 thoughts on “Don’t HARASS the VAs 😡| Zepla discusses CYBERBULLYING [FFXIV]”

  1. I never knew who Sena was until after I beat the msq and looked it up. Sena seems to fight people on twitter a lot. Like yeah people are jerks to them but Sena cant also be going around as a public figure and acting like they do.

  2. They weren’t being harassed ffs 🤦‍♂️ Ppl said they don’t like the VA’s performance (I am definitely one, it was a shit performance) because it was terribly done and he, like others in the trans community, IMMEDIATELY started attacking ANYONE who had ANY TYPE of criticism of the character! Completely typical of an unhinged person like this. The fact that u are entertaining this whole, “if u criticize a trans person u MUST be transphobic or misogynistic” has gotten old and we won’t be abused by these types anymore! Their performance was mediocre at best and we have EVERY RIGHT to not only express that opinion, but to tell it to the face of the person who did the shit job! That’s called ACCOUNTABILITY!

  3. if she doesnt want backlash, then why does she throw stones from her thin glass house?
    shes a Dumm dumm, i had no issue with her till i saw the stones she throws.
    0 sympathy for her at all what so ever.
    wuk was just garbo as a whole, so was DTs horrible ai generated story.
    great dungeons, mechanics, stuff is fun again, but yyeeeaaa

  4. To be fair, the VA has said some wild, unhinged and race-baiting posts.

    Don't throw stones while living in glass houses. I don't advocate for harassment out of the blue, but this.. wasn't that, and as a black person, I'm quite tired of being diminished to my skin color because people lack the braincells to make coherent arguments. It's tiring. She simply just shouldn't have opened her mouth about it on her account that's representing FF14 and SE.

    I enjoy you Zepla, but I don't think you did your due diligence here and looked into the situation clearly.
    The VA said some emotionally charged, and politically charged stuff – specifically going after certain people, and attempting to use people as a means of argument when she shouldn't have. It's simple as.

  5. i hated dook lamat before i ever knew sena bryer was trans. and their personality and behavior online is positively detestable. as such, they deserve the stones being thrown at them. i hope the storywriting team pivots HARD away from dook lamat going forward.

  6. Wuk Lamat's VA lashed out at people for not particularly enjoying a piece of music as well as it's situational misuse in the game. She called players racist/fascist if I am recalling correctly. I'd say she deserves any harassment she gets.
    This isn't the only time she's done horrid takes like this too.
    She's a bad person, and deserves bad things happening to her.

  7. She indirectly called people who dont like the expansion racists and phobics. Unacceptable. Kick her to the curb. I actually liked her voice acting. The quest before the expansion that introduced her was hype. Didnt like wuk in the long run.

    Yoshi p can tell people to stop harassing her, but what about us yoshi, your loyal fans. Why not tell her to stop harassing us

  8. Bruh, Sena called a bunch of people racist for not liking the song smile.
    Sena can kindly f*ck off lol they need to get off twitter and keep their mouth shut.
    And the whole thing of ''receiving death threats'' seems highly suspicious to me.
    You gotta be careful who you believe. Victimhood acting is also a thing. I know ppl dislike Wuk Lamat for very valid reasons but the thing with Sena is they're genuinely annoying and their takes are trash.
    Like, there's so much to look into. Literally told a voice actor to give up their job so a trans VA could replace them.

    Are you kidding me? That's their livelihood. How dare you even suggest that?

  9. The fact that Sphene, a character who is meant to be a robot AI portrays emotions better than Wuk Lamat, is telling of the shit job that the Wuk VA did. Combined with the awful online history, you can see the where the backlash to the va is coming from. It's not harrassment, it's criticism, contructive or not…

  10. The VA for wuk is antagonistic and even went out of her way to call people racist for not liking that one disney song. It’s no excuse to be transphobic, but this is why people have an issue with her I feel.

  11. hell no, when she tries to label folk as racist for not liking a song? yeah no she dug her own grave and can kick rocks
    pls do ur research before u talk on even more subjects u dont know about like when xeems roasted u alive
    dont get me wrong, im not gonna be a weirdo and send her death threats but as im a poc when folk like her use racism against colored folk as some sort of defence mechanism when they have absolutely no right to nor is it even in the right context, it takes away from actual instances of racism and makes people numb to legitimate racism around them

  12. Fellas, don't let yourself get distracted.
    Regardless of what language you played this expansion, it was bad. Absolute dogshite.

    It just gives the loyal white knights ammunition to dismiss all of your legitimate complaints about the writing as veiled bigotry or some other nonesense.

  13. Harassment and death threats are never okay and shouldn't happen. BUT, Sena is throwing stones at people on twitter, even at people who are midly critical of her peformance or Dawntrail. It really looks like lashing out. It isn't suprising that she will finally hit someone who will go ape-shit at her.

    I know it's difficult, but public figures, need to keep it cool, and not let emotions swing in. If she was getting upset by the backlash, which is understandable, she could just take break from twitter to not deal with it. Instead she went full in, insulting people and getting insulted back.


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