dont be friends with healers in ffxiv


22 thoughts on “dont be friends with healers in ffxiv”

  1. as a healer, for those of you that have healer friends and suspect they will take you down with them. Surecast will let you dodge rescue. click on them and wait till they target you, click sure cast. they die, you laugh. You're welcome.

  2. my friend had his co-worker play with us who's been playing for years before any of us had and when he was helping us do the Sophia battle as a healer alongside said friend, in Sophia's last 0.3% of health he rescued him off the edge together just for funsies

  3. I have certain friends that when they play healer I insist on playing ninja. They try to rescuse me to my doom but their timing isn't perfect so I have a little bit of agency to escape from my doom. And I'm not exaggerating when I say one of the best feelings in this game is watching someone who intended to rescue/murder you die by themselves.

  4. Remember when shirk literally like transfer all tank aggro to unsuspecting DPS just to end up getting their a** busted by the tank buster??

    Yeah good times


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