Disgruntled 16 year WoW player reacts to FINAL FANTASY XIV: ENDWALKER Trailer

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Hoping this game stirs something inside of me like shadowbringers did!

Whatd you think of the trailer? What are your hopes?


30 thoughts on “Disgruntled 16 year WoW player reacts to FINAL FANTASY XIV: ENDWALKER Trailer”

  1. "WoW has PvP" is pretty much the best way compare it to and talk about the state of PvP in FFXIV.
    The server tick rate that allows people with shoddy connections to play on the same level as everyone else makes PvP feel really clunky. Even if modes like Feast and Rival Wings are really fun.

    I feel bad for WoW fans. The course of the game is decided by people who are not gamers and will never appreciate it. It's just for making money.
    FFXIV on the other hand is lead by people who pour their everything into this game. You can feel this passion.

    I sincerely hope that Blizzard's corpse can be reanimated.

  2. imo the problem with WOW cinematics is that the player has no presence in most of them, where as the FFXIV cinematics allways feature WoL (the representation of player characters) in some major way and interacting with the characters. a prime example would be saurfangs final fight with sylvanis, WoW treats the player like a minor character despite the things youve done, where as FFXIV has us fight the big bad in one on one combat and feature a version of said fight in the cinematic for the next expansion. we the player feel like we have a reall PRESENCE in the story beyond being the angry dog whatever faction were with throws at its problems.

  3. This is why I love Final Fantasy series including ffxiv. 🙂 and the paladin is a great job to play next to Warrior. And I keep coming back to ffxiv every day lately working relics and I might get into crafting soon. 🙂

  4. I'm also a disgruntled 16-17yr vet. I left for awhile..came back to give shadowlands a good try. Now it's back to ff14 soon. 😀 I keep hoping rifts get made into a mmo, but palladium won't make one

  5. This JAM, this camera movement, basically everything about this trailer is fucking BONKERS. And thats coming from an Old school WC3 player who abandoned Warcraft in general a few months ago.

  6. Did you know that Soken, the main composer are suffering from cancer when he made the music? Thank god its mostly in regression right now, but the fact that he did the same amount of when he was healthy is insane.

    He asked Yoshi P (main director and best friend) and the ceo of square to not tell the team that he is suffering from cancer because he didn't want them to worry and visit on corona time. His story time on fanfest is just so touching, this game is one of the example where game made someone better.

  7. Thank you for being honest in your opinions instead of just being salty and be like ‘i hate this. This sucks’ like some of the other WoW content creators. Both games have their charms and there’s nothing wrong with loving both without shitting on one of them for no reason.

  8. Small hint of what's to come perhaps?

    The baddie the WoL kills on the moon is (or at least looks like) the first (not main) dungeon boss the first level 80 dungeon in ShB known as The First Beast. Now…knowing SE, that's NOT a coincidence.

  9. WoW is about the story, you're just not in it. That's what Final Fantasy has. Every cinematic trailer has the Warrior of Light in it. WoW doesn't even reference the "Champion of Azeroth" in any of the cinematics. Sure, we got to kill N'zoth that one time, but we all know that Thrall killed Deathwing. I'm just wondering who will snipe Sylvanas from us but it'll take a long, loooong time before we find out.

  10. FF14's story is always centered around your own character (Warrior of Light) and you can see him (Paladin) multiple times in the cinematic, including the first scene and last scene. WoW is always how you're the lackey of the NPCs and that's the main reason with the music that FF14 hooked me and I left WoW for it since A Realm Reborn.

  11. wai wait wait, a wow player not acting salty and mad at final fantasy trying to diminish the game by calling it "shit, bad, anime, weeb and furry" shit?

    damnit, why didnt you chanel show up first for me, it would have made things so much better.

  12. This trailer is packed full of References the longer you have played Final fantasy games and FF14 the more you will catch, the title card, the songs, the camera shots, the locations. It's basically a love letter to old Final Fantasy fans


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