The final big fat tacos. I feel like it’s not just PLD’s rotation that gets screwed during ifrit phase, but I believe I didn’t mess it up on this specific run. Though I think I triple weaved once, and there was one time where I could’ve used rampart but basically didn’t, minor stuff.
Sure wish I had a parser.
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PC Specs:
RX 5700XT
Ryzen 7 3700x
16gb ram
Game is stored on an ssd
For my fellow paladins looking for a decent ifrit phase rotation:
3:11 phase 2 start
Fof rotation > don't requiescat > riot > goring when he comes back > requiescat rotation > don't FoF > gapclose > fof rotation > fast > requiescat holy spirit*3 > confiteor > filler when he comes back > fof (you'll lose the final boosted goring) > riot goring requiescat rotation when he's targettable > filler until phase 3
Keep your gapclosers for moments where he goes into vertical cleave so that you don't lose uptime (you can only use arm's length once for that so you'll need 3 gap closers ideally)