Dawntrail Tank skill updates recap & thoughts – FFXIV Job Actions Trailer

My thoughts on the new tank actions. Very excited to see how the rotation will actually works on the media tour.




18 thoughts on “Dawntrail Tank skill updates recap & thoughts – FFXIV Job Actions Trailer”

  1. Overall, it looks like 100 GNB is gonna play more like 80 GNB again.

    -Lionheart combo doesn't use continuation, so it's 3 gcds where you can weave everything like mits and reposition the boss.
    -Technically don't need any carts going into burst now, giving more flexibility across the board.
    -Lionheart is probably a beefy potency, like the Blade combo on PLD. That lessens the crit variance problem by giving more high potency GCDs you can get your crits on. No more /statusoff Superbolide when your double downs don't dcrit.
    -You'll actually use some burst strikes outside of 1 and 2 minutes again. That's an overall potency increase.

  2. Hiya! Very nice and structured video as always :D. These gnb changes are looking pretty nice in my opinion. Initially i was hoping for the dev team to fix the mit weaving issues caused by hypervelocity. I was thinking about something along the lines of ninja's raiju management where you would get a stack of hypervelocity every time you use burst strike and you would be free to weave them in whenever you want.
    But the addition of the lionheart combo solves the issue while adding a cool animation so thats even better.

  3. I'm relatively sure that the Goring Blade and Sonic Break changes were made for the action change system they're adding, mainly just to condense the two buttons into one

  4. On your point about Dark Knight hopefully not being super easy while remaining the hardest hitting tank, well, I hate to inform you but it hasn't been the hardest hitting tank for quite some time. It's actually the worst in just about every fight. Maybe you meant the opposite? Regardless, job balance is at its poorest after an expansion launch so I suppose we will see. In my opinion tanks have enjoyed quite a healthy balance as far as being so close in damage together that it really doesn't matter in the long run, just play what you enjoy (or whatever invuln cheese you can cook up in a fight). As long as GNB remains on top (not totally biased at all)

  5. The only thing about WAR that I'd want changed is the animation of Storm's Path to Butcher's Block.
    Everything else we've seen and that has been talked about seems to be as close to my personal idea of the perfect job.
    I love it so much.

  6. Im just glad GNB rotation are less boring now. no more Burst strike spam for that 3 cart Bloodfest, so i guess instead of ramping up 3 carts before 2min burst, we can just dump Burst strikes every after 123 combo. but we'll see how it goes. Im excited to Main GNB again next expac <3

  7. The stuff they are doing to Dark Knight makes me upset honestly. Removing the only reliable way to restore MP fast in a fight early levels forcing people to have to use Carve and Spit which is 60, which is in my opinion the worse of the 2 drain attacks flat out compaired to Abyssal Drain, while doing less damage overall, is an AoE that heals both HP and MP. It isn't very good for people who either have to or choose to use a controller since those are far more limiting then PC hotbars. This is doubly so cause if they are turning Delirium into a combo instead of what it currently is, it's just gonna add more buttons that need to be put on a hotbar unless they go the PvP route where the entire combo is one button pushed 3 times, and, as somebody who uses a controller cause I don't have a usable setup for keyboard/mouse mainly, this just makes things painful as you'll have to add a third group of hotbars which makes it harder overall to play. In my opinion that change alone is gonna make Dark Knight just not really as fun to play cause your gonna get a senseless and needless third combo at who knows what level and make MP management harder which is inadvertently gonna just nerf the Dark Knight cause the damage boost from the Darkness bar is gonna be harder to maintain.

  8. I kinda love that the ff14 team is basically going "use your damn buffs" like i think every class that can buff itself or its party is either obligated now or they benefit more from it

  9. DRK gameplay every expansion always feels like it’s defined by how Delirium works. Combo finisher (multi combos) > extend blood wep / price and mp (DA hyper spam) > BS x5 spam (homogenization) > BS x3 spam > enable new combo string

    Also the new line AoE attack is a different (albeit reminiscent) animation from the PvP limit break

  10. I was hoping for more self heals for Dark Knight but from the look of the visuals that doesn't seem to be the case. Only Souleater appeared to have the heal animation.


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