Final Fantasy 14 is getting a lot of attention in the MMORPG world right now, and for good reason! There has never been a better (or cheaper) time to start playing!! This video is my top 5 reasons you should pick up and play FF14 right now.
Game Information:
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Final Fantasy XIV Official Website:
Game Description:
Final Fantasy 14: A Realm Reborn is one of the greatest MMORPGS ever created! Your character adventures through the world of Eorzea as The Warrior of Light. You will slay Gods, Overthrow Kingdoms, and smash your way through hundreds of hours of story, quests, dungeons, raids, and more.
There is a huge number of classes to chose from that will fit the playstyle of any player. Tank, DPS, Mages, Healers, Crafters, Gatherers you name it and you can play it. Each class has it’s own play style and will work for solo play or in a group. Players can swap from one class to another just by switching their main hand weapon, and each player can level as many classes as they want!
The story in Final Fantasy XIV sets it apart from other MMORPGS. FFXIV has the MMO elements you expect from the genre, but also brings a Final Fantasy worthy story into the mix. The first time you level a class in the game it will be through the Main Story Quest, and what a ride it is!
Thanks for stopping by!
#FF14 #FinalFantasyXIV #FinalFantasy
Keywords: Final Fantasy 14, Final Fantasy XIV, FF14, Should I play FFXIV
Reason #6: Play with WOTV celebrities like Auronnj and Diggs!
Have you tried the critically acclaimed MMORPG FINAL FANTASY XIV that has a free trial up to level 60 including the Heavensward expansion?
This the best MMORPG on the market right now and it has the kindest, most welcoming community in all of gaming
It starts a little slow but if you pay attention to the story, it all pays off tenfold.
I’ve just been getting back into it again. Played for a year and took the last year off. Great game! Love that you’re playing and covering it.
Youve convinced me lol started when realm reborn came out and loved it but I stopped, think it’s been like 4 years 😂 this game is still going strong and has been looking so much fun! I can’t wait for the esper fights
I need get my pc fixed. I see if I can get it fixed this weekend.
I love ffxiv
Im Crazy dedicated
It is so far away…having played through the retail version through storm blood and then life happened. I came back because the steam sale but did not realize the accounts were not shared. The pain of doing the early game story is having me about to buy a skip.
EverQuest. The greatest game that ever was, and ever will be.
Lol rewatching this and my pro camera work totally cuts the top of my head off. RIP. Anyway, if anyone is interested in joining my FC we are on Famfrit. Hit me up on discord and we can get you in. Myself and my friends just started it yesterday so come grow with us!
Did you know that the critically acclaimed MMORPG Final Fantasy XIV has a free trial, and includes the entirety of A Realm Reborn AND the award-winning Heavensward expansion up to level 60 with no restrictions on playtime? Sign up, and enjoy Eorzea today!
You forgot to mention that you can pvp and kill lalafell. That is a big appeal since those anklebiters run rampant in the streets of Limsa.
Thank you for promoting Final Fantasy 14. Final Fantasy 14 has been the best pve mmo that I have ever played the story is amazing, the raids are really fun without being to crazy and I love the glamour end game. The Final Fantasy 14 community also is really amazing and people are really helpful and there are a decent amount of women who play FF14 due to the glamour end game. Only lacking thing is pvp and there hasn't been a really good pvp mmo since Dark Age of Camelot and Guild Wars. I was on Hibernia Guinevere for Dark Age of Camelot which server did you play on?
Background looking sick!
Nice list brother, you’re fairly entertaining to listen to and illustrate what you’re discussing in a funny way. Can’t wait for more FFXIV vids !! 👏🏼👏🏼
Love the 14 content. Keep growing sir!
Worthy of the best MMO claim just based on the story alone. The best part is that in each and every expansion they manage to bring out a story that is interesting and touching, which pieces well with the previous expansions building towards a grand storyline. I've never really had the urge to cry while playing a game before (as far as i remember), but FFXIV almost always does in each expansion. The frustrating part is that they end in somewhat of a cliffhanger and it makes me yearn for the next expansion. Can't wait for Endwalker to come out!
Also, another point that i think most people miss out when recommending/reviewing the game is the music/ost of the game itself. Although its not composed by Nobuo Uematsu which most people know very well, Masayoshi Soken also manages to bring out some epic music in his own way, especially in Stormblood and Shadowbringers expansion.
Lastly, the thing that i feel separates this game from all others is their development team itself. The way they take note of the community, play and engage with them and acknowledge them is something i have never seen before from other developers of the game. Just looking at the recent fan festival that they had a while back, their development team actually danced to a meme created by one of the players, which was totally unexpected. With these developers, its not surprising that FFXIV can still go a long, long way despite it being nearly a decade old.
Best game ive played. Been playing for 4 years and looking forward to endwalker!!! Great video!!!
If this game is free it sure doesn't look like it from any angle I can see. Where do I get to this "free" version? Everything I find says game-time costs, every version of the game costs, I'm not sure whats free and what's not.
As a FF14 beta player I could give so many details on their fail. With screen shots to prove it. Marauder used to be AoE DPS lol. They absolutely fixed it. I do have a problem though.
Every one of my friends eventually quit. I played all the way up to the start of Stormblood. Lost all motivation without friends.
Finding out that they removed the time limit on the Free Trial got me to reinstall from back when they closed down 1.0. There's no way I'll be able to afford the expansions along with the subscription fee in 2021 ('22 if I'm being honest with myself) so I didn't want to start a new game for a month and then have to pay ~$20CAD if I wanted to log back in for a day. I'm 10 years late to the party anyway, another 1 or 2 wont hurt.
Started a new character with the Road to 70 exp boost (joke's on them, level 60 cap) and just unlocked the rest of the starter jobs before passing out last night. Once the 90 days for the Road to 70 has expired, I'll probably just start a mule character and see how much more time I can milk from the trial.
because its a multiplayer ff12! lol seriously though! the music and atmosphere matches so heavily its palpable. and i LOVE IT!
Love your videos bro! Love FFXIV too
Just finished heavensward…
#0. FF14 represents a fixed, stable cost. It is far cheaper to play FF14 than spending on WOTV hehe.
Can't play the game. Don't know how to install it. 🙁
wish returning player campaign would be perm
English is not my first language, so that retracts me to play.
WOTV and 14 are pretty much the only games I play as of late, maybe a bit of Total War here and there. Can we get a Zazan the Unkillable event in 14?! Or a better 14 collab on WOTV, because mannn Thancred and Yshtola are pretty much dog piles…..
FFXIV is probably the only MMO I'll ever play again. I'm not a big PC gamer but I've definitely come back for each expansion because the world and story is fun. I think another big reason I enjoy returning is how it respects my time. There's plenty of systems that help you get back if you were gone too long, plus decent XP boosts. It also has the friendliest community I've seen in an MMO. Sure you get the occasional jerk, but if you're honest and ask for help (even in dungeons) people will help and are generally nice.
I tried it once 5 years ago and now it won't let me use the free trial anymore ugh
I had to stop playing that game cause alphainaud and because of him the adventure isn’t mine and it gets boring really fast running errands and not getting any cool cutscenes with my character who supposedly is a hero but in reality is an errand boy. Can’t even join friends cause they restrict party’s to what u have unlocked so most of the game ur alone. Game is not fun in my opinion. Love the channel auron. Thanks for your info much appreciated.
I think the points you raise in this video are some of the reasons not to play. For me “The Story” was so dull and everyone you met had to go through a couple of pages of pleasantries before getting into moving the quest along. It felt more like a really forced RP element. Even a good friend of mine renown for his love of the RP story elements got to about lvl 20 before auto skipping the story and interaction. The lack of voice acting and the need to read through the dull conversations just added to our hatred of the story.
“Pace of levelling” it’s slow (unless they’ve updated it since I played about 1yr ago). It felt like the slowest of all MMOs to level. All the extra loading screens didn’t help here either!!
“Play all the classes” this was such a hinderance as you have a limited bag space and an addition gear space (which is great when you first start out) but it just gets far to clogged up with crafting/gathering gear then gear for each class….. yeah but no. It got frustrating very quickly if you try to many classes.
Now, what do I feel the main reasons are? The base game dungeons are basic but there are a couple of good ones that start around an instance that is in a snowy castle (sorry, I can’t recall the names) with dragons throughout. This is when you had to start paying attention to what was happening in fights. Before this, you could faceroll dungeon content (and you would be needing to repeat them lots!), as it was basic and easy. After the base game and into the first expansion, the dungeons start to improve a great deal!!! They are tougher to complete and mechanics are a lot more interesting and very fun and the dungeons continue to improve as the game progresses. I was also surprised at how nice the community is towards each other. I’ve always mained a healer (scholar main but felt white mage was extremely similar just HoT instead of Shield). I had never experienced any issue in any of the PUGs I was a part of. 🙂
Another thing I liked was the fact you could have followers that can help you solo select dungeons. The mechanics are very different and they are simplified but at least it adds something fun to the game to do solo.
I was thinking of going back to FF14 but I’m not sure I will just yet because Ashes of Creation and New World will be released soon and I’m currently trying Swords of Legends Online.
I might start a new character again but focus on a dps class to start with. I always struggle with dps as I’m normally healer/tank as I enjoy team play.