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We only got 1 of each. No matter how good they are, that’s still not good.
I don’t know why they’re so cautious with new systems. It’s gonna be a long while till the next release of dungeons like this, and delays are always possible. Tbh I’m still upset they haven’t added to the new PvP system more after releasing it.
Just feels wrong to once again praise them for releasing the minimum amount of content to get people to come back for a patch. It’s exhausting.
This is the most popular mmo on the planet Rn, allegedly. They have loads of resources, so it’s not wrong for someone who loves this game to expect more. The dungeons are great, but not enough to be satisfying considering the hype and long wait.
agreed every dungeon should be variant i like the paths and secrets
All MSQ dungeon moving forward should all be variant dungeons. This has such potential to be a great story telling tool, while allowing small groups of friends to play together regardless of party size it’s a no brainer really.
I agree that they should really look back at the old dungeons and make a variant… variant for it, at least for the solo instances. Having to quit the party halfway doing MSQ together with friends feels extremely crappy…
Maybe they will add manderville relic progression items in various amounts based on difficulty
I haven’t been able to do Criterion yet but absolutely loved Variants! It’s fun to do solo or with a group, and is a decent enough challenge to do as a solo player. Love the different paths and lore, the secret boss, and I’m excited for the future variant dungeons.
I only have two issues with This Variant Dungeon (And one is fine because Solo Tax).
1. The first and second pages are hard to get to if you don't do another path first.
I spent all day hugging the wall and examining the paths to try and find it changing up everything on route 1 that I could. Even tried it with friends and random players- eventually I looked up a guide cause I like to do these in order so I can go "Okay, route 1 clear! On to route 2!" and not a lot of Randoms knew about it either. (The code is in Route 2 for those that wanna know which route.) So I feel like that's something they can not do for future Variant dungeons.
2. Bosses are attack sponges.
This is the one where I think it's okay from a Solo player thing because it "Feels" Like it takes forever and that's where the underwhelming rewards come in. for such small and finite pool of rewards right now, the amount of time put in for 1 person to do it definitely makes the reward feel like it's not enough, but you can always party up with friends and I've noticed that it definitely goes by faster with other players (At least from a solo player experience).
I do think that everything else is okay and fun to do. I just found it annoying when I found out that the "Hint" for P1 and P2 in Route 1 was in fact hidden in route 2. Like for me I like reading everything After I do it so I wasn't looking in the pages to begin with and that one is fully on me but to make the hint to something in one route hidden in another (Especially for people like me who like to confirm a route is finished before moving on) Is just cruel.
You have a bot in your comments using your pfp Mr. Happy.
This variant dungeon thing reminded me a lot more of the 1.x dungeon designs, though obviously with a lot more lore.
Variant and Criterion are both fun dungeons!
Just beware to any healers out there, while you do get a 2nd dot to manage in Variant, the overall gameplay may be much slower compared to DPS or tanks. It's something I don't hear too much about but I do think the scaling for a healer is a bit too high considering the lack of powerful DPS tools. But it shouldn't really discourage people from going in as any role
Rewards need to be better. Gear sets would be nice. An alternative way to gear over savage raiding would be cool
Since I am not raiding this tier I hoped the tuning wouldn't be with Savage gear in mind.
Now seeing that there are no gear/upgrade/side grade rewards I just wish it would sync you to i610 so everybody has the chance to do criterion without having the minilvl-experience.
Obviously you could say "git gud scrub" "learn2play kekw" but ultimately its mechanics centered first and dps/survival check second. The unreal trials are synced to a fairly low level also iirc.
The ilvl is arbitrary with the new patch anyway, so I feel like SE could've set it lower to begin with so Savage raiders don't have a leg up.
honestly, Variant is so good i loved the ability to solo them, really made it feel personal, i suggest swapping roles and variant skills out too, that adds so much fun to it too.
but Criterion and Savage…. the rewards need work, i know its early days but already on my server group its drying up. i dont know how long this will last if they dont do something.
EDIT: Some people in my FC have pointed out that as we get more dungeons the rewards store will likely go up too, much like Unreal Trials.
Honestly Murder Mouse surprised my team a lot, we had it in our heads it would be easy… HA HA HA!!!!! no….
Variant dungeons are abdolutely fantastic…
…They don't have a lot of replayability after you've unlocked all the paths. 1 or 2 per expansion would be great.
The only thing I would like to have for criterion normal are the checkpoints for every boss and leave one direct run for the savage
just add chance for any of the current raid tier books to drop from it. limit the books to one a week and let us do it solo 😛
As someone who doesn't (generally) raid savage, I was kinda miffed at the difficulty of Criterion. The min item level was set at 610, but good freaking luck beating enrage timers with that. And without any gear as rewards throughout, smashing your head against it just feels like: If you want this to be easier, then just gear up in savage. And what I wanted was an alternative to savage with fewer players to coordinate.
If they were going to do this whole – challenging 4 man content with no rewards thing, the least they could have done is scale up/scale down item levels to a fixed value. That way everyone is at least on a level playing field. Having this one sync at 635 just gives me the impression this was only for those who were already raiding Abyssos and nobody else.
Which sucks tbh.
I'd like a hard mode for solo (which I don't THINK we can do, though I … didn't actually check.) And I'd like better rewards. But I am really loving these. I've gotten the squeaky cleaning bizarre hamster on 3 characters, in an obsessive burst of 'must have.' I like the length, the random variety of mechanics, & just everything. I feel like they can take this idea a lot farther with the story tucked in there very nicely. I deeply hope this is the start to a lot more of the same. FAR more fun than the PotD & HoH, and less 'well, better put something on in the background' that is my Bozja experience.
I normally agree with Haps on most things. But he minimizes how much people care about time efficiency. No matter your best intention, the majority will always want to do the optimal route after thier first couple times through
So here's my thought when you were talking about the secret boss being missing from criterion. You, probably like some of the other hard core players, skipped some of the variant story and paths. And, like you mentioned, the method of finding that boss is a little more hidden than some of the other endings. So in order to still keep there being something fun to find and new to experience for players in a situation like yours, it is kind of a nice thing that they didn't spoil that boss for you in the harder versions of the dungeon.
Plus it also means that if anyone is watching someone stream criterion dungeons, they don't get spoiled on that secret ending either since they have no reason to know to go looking. That said…. it's really hard to keep ANY secret with the internet being a thing. But still, props to them for at least trying.
I really liked the variants! Excited to try the harder versions later.
Variant is great, my only beef with it is that the fun of the discovery aspect seems kind of nerfed when you may have to go through a 15 min run to find out that the thing you just scienced was wrong. It'd be neat if they could somehow implement a system (at least for solo, it wouldn't work well for groups probably) to let you skip to certain parts of paths you've been to before, kinda like the zero escape series' flowchart (except 999, which I don't think had the flowchart UI). But I realize that also kills part of the timesink aspect of it, so oh well.
I've only done the Variant so far, but the dungeon itself is my favorite reward. The varied nature of it is a wonderful experience.
My reward would be a 5 piece gear set i620. Each piece would have a set bonus adding a materia slot. Have it be a non raid BiS set.