Dark Knight Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV

I was invited by Square Enix to check out FFXIV Dawntrail early, and here’s how DRK is changing as well as what I think it means for the future of the job!

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0:00 Intro
1:13 New Skills
3:28 More Info & My Thoughts
4:13 Tooltips

#ffxiv #dawntrail #mediatour


26 thoughts on “Dark Knight Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV”

  1. So the only new Button I actually press is Disesteem, and in exchange, I lose 3 Buttons to weave.
    I always liked DRKs busyness. I feel like it will be very boring now. Especially below 100.
    Can they at least make Carve & Spit and Abysall drain seperate CDs again?

  2. I really love plunge though :'( thats a sad change. If the new ability gets changed to let you dash to allies that would be positive, but I'll still miss my cool jump attack.

    The other new stuff sounds interesting – mostly just hope it'll still feel engaging to play with some of the weaving removed. Thanks for making these videos!

  3. I like the self healing on that mit and even if we lose a bit of business the new gcds seem cooler than bloodspiller spam during burst. I’m gonna miss plunge tho

  4. I still feel DRK needs better self-sustain. Give C&S HP regen to make the link between it and Abyssal Drain make any sense whatsoever. Blood Weapon/Delirium having healing per hit equal to Souleater, or 400 potency.

  5. i cant believe the devs are replacing the cool plunge animation with a lame dash that is a copy of monk, they are making the job look like a mage rather than a fighter aesthetically and nobody seem to be talking about this which is crazy

  6. I hate the removal of plunge, that animation is so cool. Also I'm not hot on the new combo, going fell cleave but dark was way more fun. Idk that dash is lame, I'm sad :C

  7. I swear every time they change DRK its one leap forward and a skull-shattering flip backwards.

    Fusing Blood Weapon and Delirium is great as it removes the busyness of the Job. But they also reduced the stacks to 3 and made it last 15 seconds total. Making the window much tighter.

    The new gap closer having 2 charges is nice, but removing Plunge affects DRKs damage output more than you'd think. It also doesn't help that the animation is kinda lame tbh

    Salted Earth (PvE) is STILL unchanged, same with TBN which should do more or be more in line with DRK's identity, like costing Health instead of Mana maybe(?), or other Tank mits need to be nerfed a bit too so they actually have to worry about using them correctly

  8. Oh no… I can already hear it… The rage of Darkknight and Gunbreaker mains! "Why did we loose our damage on the gapcloser but Warrior and Paladin still have them?"

    In my opinion they should have taken the damage from all tank gapclosers 😅

  9. After watching all 4 tank videos, they are pretty much all the same. The PLD/Guardian DRK/Shadowed Vigil GNB/Nebula WAR/Damnation in particular. WAR/GNB seem to be the top 2 choices over all due to self healing and pure dps.

  10. The last change I would like is another source or an increase in mana gain to compensate for the loss of the 2 Blood Weapon stacks (-1200MP per minute is hot), increase mana regen with Siphon Strike (600 current > into 800), increase the mana gain with carve & spit (600 current > into 1200), remove the abyssal drain CD share while leaving the spell's MP gain (600mp), or simply reduce the Shadow edge and TBN mana cost at 2400 (my preferred option)
    For the loss of gain in gauge they compensated with the shadow which becomes free, but nothing is done on the MP side

  11. It was strange at first that they removed damage from DRK gap closer (and then changed the animation completely), but then I wasn't aware that people were using Plunge during their rotation, given that it didn't do much damage and didn't combo into anything, I only ever used it to jump back into a fight after mechanics forced me to move and the damage was just a bonus, so ultimately it's a case of "why did they remove it" but also "why did we even need it".

    Also, unrelated to job functionality, but I kinda hate DRK's artifact armor this time around, lol.

  12. So this was incredibly uninspired. No new skills just a bunch of button swaps for slightly better versions of skills you already had. Nerf to plunge, nerf to blood weapon which even had to be button merged to make the class more brain dead. I guess shadow wall giving healing gives me a reason to press it more often and not just when I actually needed it. The artifact gear is even one of the worst looking weapons and sets of the expansion. Very exciting stuff… sigh.


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