Will I finish FFXIV Story?

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21 thoughts on “Will I finish FFXIV Story?”

  1. I’ve been playing FFXIV for over ten years. I’m still learning how to get good at this game. 😂 Personally, I know myself to be a slow learner, but not everyone is the same. Ultimately, it comes down to what’s more important, playing one game which requires your full dedication or, play many games which take a few days of your time. Considering all the work Josh has done in the last 3 years, it makes sense for him to chose the latter.

  2. FF14's story became garbage after ARR, he's not missing on much.
    Also the fact that the community went from 30+ years old people to zoomers didn't help.

  3. These comments talking about it not being hard to complete the story are missing the point, imagine going up to someone and asking them to invest hundreds if not thousands of hours just to complete a game, or even then just get to endgame. Utterly insane to expect that of anyone.

  4. i like how FFIV has a good thing goin for it but the playerbase become more and more abnoxious and forgets the most basic thing.
    let ppl enjoy the game at their own pace just like YOU did….

  5. The wording is wrong imo, it's not about being good when it comes to mmos(there's a reason most of us avoid other kinds of online games you know lol) unless you plan on doing the end game content(like the hard core raids and dungeons that are there for hard core players but aren't required to progress the story). It's the time investment that's the challenge, not the 'getting good'. A better analogy, would be you can't attend multiple concerts at once or go to cinema and watch all the films showing at once or going to a massive fair and visiting everything they have to offer etc, at some point, your going have no time left in the day/week etc or timings clash.

    Basically you can only handle one or two mmos at a time, maybe three if all you do every day is play mmos, some may even have no time at all to play even one mmo 🤷

  6. I mean finishing a 300+ hour long visual novel just to start playing the game is a HUGE ask. Even skipping the godsawful story takes ages. I loved FFXIV for a while but the story was the worst part. Then they started oversimplifying everything and it just got boring to play.

  7. DT is meh. We have no role in that expansion. I get we were ment to be mentor but we are so much less. We have no use or purpose in that expansion at all. Its just nod your head expansion. thats it.

  8. FF14 diehard story lovers will be hyper irritating if you either say "I'm not completing it" or "I'm paying for a skip". There are elitists for story based content, and I hate it/them.

  9. people acting like it doesn't take a while to even remember how to play the game lol. I think this is what people don't understand when they complain about content being too easy. obviously there's some discussion to be had, but acting like it's dumbed down for stupid babies and there's zero reason for it is… silly

  10. it's like those remakes of shows that start the show and already try to introduce all the most iconic characters of the original at once. of course it won't work the reason why you enjoyed the original was because it took its time to win the audience


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