Dancer Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV

I was invited by Square Enix to check out FFXIV Dawntrail early, and here’s how DNC is changing as well as what I think it means for the future of the job!


0:00 Intro
1:13 New Skills
2:18 Tooltips

#ffxiv #dawntrail #mediatour


13 thoughts on “Dancer Changes – Dawntrail Media Tour FFXIV”

  1. First things first: Thank you for making a short video that shows the important part over stretching the same info into 10+ min.

    As a dancer main I think those changes fit the bursty nature of dancer rather well. I'm a little sad we don't get more procs and the general issue with super high potency attacks is just further increased by those new additions but the visuals look great, the bursty and aoe nature of dancer is further enhanced and holy moly that potency trait for basically everything… maybe we finally hit harder than healers? perhaps? eventually?

  2. I tihnk what's most impactful is that outside of your opener you never really wanted to use SS. Only had to do it if your procs were shit or you were on downtime reopener like in TOP. It's why dancer had a 3,5 SS 2 min rotation. With this change Finishing move will always get a place in your 2min burst which is cool

  3. I rather like these changes. A tad disappointed in the capstone, but I kinda expected them to fall into the 2m meta stuff.
    Really cool that I'll get more out of standard step though.

  4. As a Dancer main for the entirety of Endwalker, I am somewhat sad that we didn't get more skills in line with the job's nature as a 'Support DPS'. While I'm glad that the overall changes were minimal as Endwalker Dancer is in a really good spot, I do wish that the skills were less about personal damage and more about party buffs or buffing your Dance Partner throughout a fight.

    At the end of everything, I'm just a tad bit sadge that Dancer didn't get a Battle Peloton of their own 😭


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