Daily Grind! | HW Relic! |Golden Saucer Fun!|Damien Plays Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker 6.35 Live!

#gaming #streamer #FinalFantasyXIV #FFXIV #Live #MMO
Minor Spoiler Warning up to patch 6.35 Endwalker!

(OBS BSOD FTW! We’re back tho!)

What is up everyone!

In this evening’s stream we are going to attempt to pregress the HW Relic weapon for Monk! Also, gonna check out the Golden Saucer and run some Eureka! Definitely lots of random today! You know, basically a Newfound Adventure lacking only in object permanence. I mean did you see last stream? lol

Check out my new short! It’s a “coming soon” style trailer for my new video series I’m making!
Make sure to like and subscribe to be notified when I finally get it ready for launch! lol


Hi I’m Damien! I’m an avid FFXIV player and novice streamer. I also just spent the last few months playing 15 different Final Fantasy games while waiting for the release of FFXIV patch 6.3. Since then my new goal is to continue playing games that are similar, but not always, to this kind of content. As well as stream almost daily FFXIV content! Not to mention, there’s always FF 10-2/ FF 7 Remake or even FF 15! I also stream Fortnite content with my fiance sometimes!

I’ve no real time of day schedule as of yet, so make sure to Like and Subscribe to stay notified!

FFXIV streams are different than my “lets play” style videos. Mainly because I’ll have no real format, aim or goal other than exploration, excitement, randomness, and mischief. It’s usually my daily grind! Oh and in this case tons of random stuffs lol. The usual goal is to wander into things. Maybe do some Gil farming. Level jobs. Have an extreme lack of object permanence beyond 30 seconds. That kinda thing. Tune in and let’s go on a Newfound Adventure in Final Fantasy XIV!

If you run into me in game, feel free to come say hello!
Please note however, that my friend list is full at this time.
(Like hella full, it’s a problem you guys. lol)

I hope you all enjoy watching as much as I enjoy playing these games.
If you like the games that I’m playing, consider purchasing them via Steam or the Square Enix website today!
If you like my stuff, consider donating to the cause to help improve the stream!
If anyone has advice for upping my stream quality or setup in OBS, feel free to let me know.
My streaming game is novice but willing all day.


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