Crystalline Conflict | FFXIV's New PVP Mode

Our Final Fantasy 14 journey continues with a return to PVP. Come check out my first impressions of the Crystalline Conflict game mode.

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Welcome back to Tiny Blue Games! My name is Csaw or Chris, and today we are talking about PVP. Yes, I finally stepped back into FFXIV’s PVP and decided to try the newest game mode Crystalline Conflict. I have to say, I’m impressed. Crystalline Conflict is everything that I love in a PVP game mode. It’s quick and right to the point. Most matches are about 5 minutes long and there is almost no downtime as the primary objective is a payload that is being pushed between two bases. You are essentially fighting for your life on the payload or already dead. Perfect!

As a relatively new ffxiv player, I have enjoyed giving my first impressions of the many different pieces of content this game has to offer. If you are interested in exploring the game yourself I suggest you check out the Final Fantasy 14 free trial. This trial lets play all the way to level 60 (including both the base ARR and Heavensward expansion), with no time restrictions. It was ultimately the free trial that convinced me to dive into the full game!

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7 thoughts on “Crystalline Conflict | FFXIV's New PVP Mode”

  1. Right off the bat, before anything else I want to say that the fact that you're trying to push the objective by staying with the crystal already puts you ahead of most players in ranked. So I would say overall keep doing what you're doing. Learn what your skills do and how you can best use them in different situations, and focus on coordinating with your team to confirm kills.

    As you mentioned in the on-screen text, there are 3 maps. The maps are on a rotation that changes about every hour and a half. So you will keep getting the same map for about an hour and a half and then it will switch to the next map, and so on. The two maps you did in this video are The Volcanic Heart, and Cloud Nine. The third map is The Palaistra, and it's a basic no frills map, no gimmick mechanics like the other two with the bombs, tornadoes and updrafts.

    As a tank, you are mostly a distraction. You're using crowd control to harass the enemy team, using your defensives and heals to soak damage and stall for time, etc. But you also need to help your team confirm kills by focusing on a single target with them, and using stuns to prevent them from healing or guarding.

    I haven't personally tried it but I know that Dark Knight is one of the better jobs in PvP right now. It's not quite an S tier job in my opinion, but a very solid A tier for sure. A well timed Eventide (i.e. Limit Break) can destroy the enemy team, and trick them into wasting all of their burst damage on you when you're invulnerable. You should of course read through all your tooltips to see how your abilities work, but you've only got a dozen or so abilities, so it's not too bad.

    The other arena mode you were trying to remember was called The Feast, and has been removed from the game entirely. It was extremely unpopular, so the devs completely replaced it with this new Crystalline Conflict mode, which has been immensely popular. Never, in over a decade of playing this game, have I seen everyone in the community so excited about PvP.

  2. Oh and I almost forgot… PvP stream!? Hell yeah! That sounds like so much fun. I wonder if we could get enough people to do some custom matches.

  3. On the "reward track", once you hit 30 in it, it lets you endlessly grind series levels for an extra 1000 trophy crystals per level. It's at least something to keep people going and the things you can buy with trophy crystals are expensive enough that you'd need to keep grinding if you wanted them all.

  4. Sadly casual and ranked CC is solo queue at the moment. If we can get 10 people from the TBC, we can do a custom match so hopefully you can plan that out. I'll try a d help with any FC members that might want to join.

  5. There are 3 maps on a twelve hour rotation.

    All jobs have five common actions. The self heal, guard and spirit are going to be the most common. Sprint and a health potion were in pvp before the revamp, but they do act a bit differently. The 4.5 second cooldown is preferable to the 10 + second respawn in CC. The self heal is the only thing that uses mana in pvp.

    All jobs have unique limit breaks. Each job has a truncated and streamlined skill set specifically for pvp. Use the training dummies at the Wolves Den to play around with it until you have a good grasp of what you're doing.

    Finally: read your tool tips. They will explain why you seem to hit harder in one set of conditions vs another. For example – red Mage has a white or black magic stance. The white magic stance can silence in an aoe, and procs verholy which deals pretty good damage and breaks nearby team members. In black magic stance they proc verflare instead and deal twice as much damage.

    Yes, the new pvp is fun and has some nice rewards with more down the line. The changes in pvp have also affected Frontlines, though not as apparent. I love these changes though – far fewer buttons to keep track of and faster paced and more rewarding combat.


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