Criticizing FFXIV Has Less Content Than WoW

Ex WoW, current FFXIV sprout goes back to try World of Warcraft after getting a craving for challenging content.

After playing a few weeks of WoW Shadowlands endgame, I realized why the World of Warcraft retail is so fundamentally flawed now, and why some of my old WoW friends criticized FFXIV for having “no content” since there’s no Mythic plus in FFXIV.


6 thoughts on “Criticizing FFXIV Has Less Content Than WoW”

  1. I think you should be able to actually finish a game. For mmos that usually means getting your BIS, thats when most people seem to quit. As far as i'm aware with wow that's almost impossible due to all the random rolls on loot now. Could be wrong, it was that way last time I played.

    I also think a lot of people leave their FF14 sub running even if they aren't actively playing. It's sortof like a gym membership in that respect lol.

  2. Wow is ok I played it for many years and while I enjoyed the game at one point I can't think of a good reason to give activision any more money than I already have, and with their track record it's unlikely they'll do anything worth money again

  3. Speaking of ultimates, it's a two-pronged deal. First, you do need to beat whatever that contemporary savage tier is to get that gear as a show of performance: yes, the game says, you're ready for this ridiculous content. Second and most keenly, the ultimate raid always sets you to a single tier; you can't go back and unsync older ones nor can you outgear the fights past the BiS (which is always consistent). The challenge is ever present and consistence, even years down the line.


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