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Edited by Minh
Music: Moongazing (English Cover) – Rokubairenka
#FinalFantasyXVI #FF16 #FFXVI
I like how FF16 really wore its Final Fantasy cliches down to its sleeves including the power of friendship, Sephiroth, a literal Sefirot and LITERALLY punching God in the face while naming the games title before your final hit.
It's cheesy, but god damn is it also Peak
Turns out Ultima was just DSP in disguise all along
Ultima: May your L's be plenty and your bitches be few
For me, FF16 was a huge disappointment from the melodramatic highs of FF14’s story but if it left Woolie and Reggie with an appreciation for Soken’s music…I guess a win is a win
Thanks for playing through the whole thing; one hell of a ride for the last month or so.
I kind of love Ultima being a hypocritical shit saying he's so far above humanity while being no better-
But you're not wrong to say its not a great execution of a cool idea.
Woolie knows too much for not playing 14, please tell me he secretly played ….
Mario forlornly looks at the night sky as his hair is blown away by the wind
Ah yes, my favorite part of the Bible, Johns 0:3
It's hilarious how much Dion resembles Tidus in looks, but has the exact opposite personality.
It's a shame that I felt like the final section almost seems incomplete to me. The choice of recourse allocation, where cutscenes are used and where corners are cut, just seems a bit off to me. Especially the Bahamut taxi ride to the end is so clearly an opportunity for gameplay, and the following 3v1 team up as well, but we only got a very short QTE section. That and Jill being criminally underused but everyone's talked about that already.
At this point I think they should just pump out a FF16 Special Edition whenever they decide to port it to PC, and add at least some of these things back in. I'd be down for it.
I loved this game, but the thing that's going to stick the most with me is how good an actor Ben Starr (Clive) is. And he's very charismatic in his interviews too. (I recommend the playstation acess podcast if anyone is interested)
4:55 I don't think Ultima is being salty, he's just telling you what's up.
Ultima thinks his plan is the only way for anything to survive the Blight. With his plan foiled, he believes the Blight is going to wipe out all life on the planet.
So he's just telling you, "Enjoy your victory, for what time you have left."
31:10 If you hate the Crystals now, play Bravely Default. :p
Reggie: "No matter what…the sun will always rise."
Woolie: <looks sheepishly at audience while increasing the volume knob labelled 'racism', abandoning all tact>
Great LP. Just the right amount of tact. Congrats!
"No longer will man have wings to bear him to paradise. Henceforth, he shall walk."
Loved your thoughts on this game bc it helped me clarify my own. FFXIV is my favorite game ever despite my preferences in gameplay. FFXVI felt like what I prefer in gameplay, but missing the tightness of a single player game.
The things I dislike in each are largely the strengths in the other. Feels like a case study in genres. If Yoshi P and Yoko Taro made an FPS with Soken, I'm pretty sure we wouldn't even know what a video game is anymore.
Final Fantasy always tacks on extra when it should end. It also doesn't know how to treat female characters. I like X-2 and 13, but they don't feel like women like they do in 14
I didn't cry, YOU cried!
Who the hell put these onions here!!?!?
Dlc needs to be Joshua's journey.