Cloud of Darkness (CHAOTIC) | Kobe's Classroom

Visual guide for The Cloud of Darkness CHAOTIC.
This one took a lot of work, good luck in your party finders!
#ffxiv #ff14 #guide

00:00 Intro
00:21 Opening
01:08 Phase 1
05:21 Pattern 1
06:38 Pattern 2
07:37 Phase 1 POV
10:02 Phase 2
14:15 Particle Concentration POV
15:13 Ghastly Gloom & Curse of Darkness
15:53 Evil Seed & Spread/Line Stack
18:39 Evil Seed POV
20:12 Active-Pivot Particle Beam & Core/Lateral Phaser
21:27 Active-Pivot POV
22:00 Looming Chaos & Towers 2
24:50 Looming Chaos POV
26:09 Repeat Mechs & Ending
26:40 Outro


26 thoughts on “Cloud of Darkness (CHAOTIC) | Kobe's Classroom”

  1. For Alliance A and C Healers : at Phase 2 when you are inside, you have to heal the Ranged DPS with you, because their alliance B healers are out of range, so without you they won't survive. As you are not from the same alliance, some group heal does not work, and you have to target the DPS

  2. Boss also takes 25% more damage in phase 1/3, so pot windows are 2 minutes and 8 minutes for maximum damage.

    And for the NA players out there on copium for a guide, the naming scheme for roles is oce/Jp standard.

    D1 melee
    D2 melee
    D3 range
    D4 caster
    H1 pure heals
    H2 shield heals

  3. I always appreciate the care you put into the PoV clips. It is clear that you're focused on having the correct camera angles for the viewer while still demonstrating the execution of said positioning clearly. Well done on one of your biggest guides yet! Great to see you growing.

  4. Thanks for putting up a guide so quick! Just one thing I'm noticing at the start 1:50 Your dodge advice for the Grim Embrace is correct but you're calling out where the hands will position themselves backwards, if I'm not mistaken. When Cloud's hand is Under the Crystal, the hand that attacks you will spawn in Front of the player. When the Hand is Behind the Crystal, the hand will spawn Behind the player.

  5. If you're from NA and you're watching this video:

    – The P2 positions are Aurelia (Allianz)
    – The Side platform positions for pair is Aurelia however, the positions for spreads is CODCAR but the lineup is different.
    – The Side platform tower priority is CODCAR
    – The Brambles are Aurelia

    Also JP clear rates are like twice as high as NA/EU because they can actually decide on a single set of strats.

  6. Why are you using "old" PoVs when raidplan is different on towers? Makes no sense (14:50 & 25:27). This will provoke more confusion for people who wants to prog and people who are into kill parties. If you make a newbrand strat, make new povs with the raidplan that you made. :/

  7. I don't understand the rationale behind the change to resolving Active-Pivot tbh, the previous way makes more sense intuitively and does not add/subtract any difficulty. It's caused a lot of confusion so far in PF.

    As someone who plays in B exclusively, also not sure why the groups are swapped around so that both B healers are north? Previously as a B healer in P2 I could reach my light party, plus both ranged DPS to prevent them from dying if healers in other alliances aren't topping them up. Now I can only reach one. Not a huge issue, but I don't understand the changes is all.

  8. My friends swear by your name on your guides and now i can see why. Everything is graphed nicely and good povs alongside with a calm direct explanations. Will be sharing this with my 24 peeps thank you!


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