Close In The Distance (Ultima Thule) – FFXIV: Endwalker | Fingerstyle Guitar

Here’s my take on the theme from the final zone of FFXIV: Endwalker. I may have underestimated how difficult it is to try to do bends and vibratos while also strumming palm-muted bass notes 😅

#finalfantasy #ffxiv #endwalker


11 thoughts on “Close In The Distance (Ultima Thule) – FFXIV: Endwalker | Fingerstyle Guitar”

  1. This is so good. The amount of creativity and dexterity required to pull off some of those sections has not gone unnoticed. Any time my SO shows me something you've played, and the finger work involved, I'm honestly floored by it.

    Thank you for another great arrangement. Cheers!

  2. Wonderful work! 😀 Might just end up listening to this when I finally get around to sitting around, waiting for Chi to spawn, just for a lovely change in scenery from the actual theme haha


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