CLIVE LOOKS SO GOOD! FF16 x FF14 Collab Full Playthrough!

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18 thoughts on “CLIVE LOOKS SO GOOD! FF16 x FF14 Collab Full Playthrough!”

  1. Oh, thanks for putting this up! I did it this morning, but it's always fun when you voice the scenes.
    I love that if we're in the Adders we get called Captain. My partner is not in the Adders and was like DOESN'T KAN-E HAVE BETTER STUFF TO DO?! And I was like, well, they call you Captain, then I realized not everyone is in the Adders lmao.

  2. Love his outfit we get, fits along a lot of things from what I’ve messed around with so far
    And of course the surprisingly-detailed torgal mount with the pet action, must pet the good boy

  3. Chances are they are going to be always in the GS if you completed the quest line. Other events would technically have to go away after a while but since this event in an in house event it should be allowed to stay forever (in a legal aspect)


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