Bwana Reacts to Quazii Quitting WoW for FFXIV – World of Warcraft – Final Fantasy XIV

Quazii releases an updated video on the already popular topic. He’s quitting! He even does the drastic thing at the end!


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35 thoughts on “Bwana Reacts to Quazii Quitting WoW for FFXIV – World of Warcraft – Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. I had two hard mode dungeon bosses that my group got stuck on yesterday in ff14. 2 of the first 3 that I've ever done btw. No one got toxic, everyone tried to figure out what to do to get things going, we got further every wipe than the last, and let me tell you….it was amazing to finally beat whichever boss we got stuck on. Diabolos in Amdapour, hope that's the right name, was a bitch, but when we finally got them down, party chat was lit. I've never had that in WoW and that alone makes me want to stick with ff and not go back

  2. On the last 3 expansions, WoW more and more on artificial ways to keep people playing like ridiculous amount of timegating and absurd amount of RNG on everything. And to make things worst, on the last 2 expansions they are also using it to compensate the lack of content, forcing you to do literal chores ingame to be able to have a chance to do what you want to do PvE wise.

    And then you need to count with at least 20 people doing the same since they deleted 10m raiding for no reason, many times playing classes (jobs) they don't want to but are only one ones viable for raiding (since the ingame balance is horrible), often forcing people reroll to another alt on a new patch, forcing you redo everything again. The cherry on the top is the current legendary and covenant systems that make you feel you're wasting time and resources with stuff that will be useless on the next (in)balance patch that only will maybe be fixed on the last patch of the expansion (as always…).

    And all of this is just only on the raiding scene issues, that game have way more bullshit in all other kinds of content.

  3. 13:47 he hasn't even covered off the ball ache associated with some of the essences where you were forced to do PvP content to get your best essences for PvE and this grind alone could take weeks/months to get and thats not including the the upgrades to the essences where it wasn't just a straight forward currency grind you had to do obscure grindy content or grind an entire reputation to exalted before you could buy it. Here the ultimate kicker when Blizz did put these things on the vendor they would not allow you to buy the azerite essence rank 3 for your alt if you hadn't grinded for it on your main this is literally the end of 8.3 btw where you wouldn't have time to grind this shit out.

  4. Close your eyes and imagine:
    You repeat daily content to drop loot that has 1% chance to have stats you want and if you dont get it you have to repeat the same stuff over again.
    Most of the end content is designed around one thing that is very hard for most people who want to play casually and rewards grind and if not that using real money to be able to ease yourself in to the content.
    You are constantly gated story wise week after week month after month.

    What game am i talking about. Genshin Impact the Mobile game? or World of Warcraft. I dont see a difference.

  5. Thats awesome that you’ve gone to a wedding that resulted from online gaming. I hope to attend or host something like that someday. And as far the major subject matter goes, I’m glad more and more people are realizing that they have the power to change their destiny. They dont have to fall with a sinking ship, in denial. If rpgs taught us anything, it’s to venture into the unknown and choosing your own fate

  6. Although i hate ffxiv and love wow even in its current state, i still love this content because its a grown up conversation not a school playground shouting match.

    There is a counter argument to every point in this vid, so for RNG, its about perspective, with all the layers of RNG in the game i have always got my gear that i want in the time i needed it for a patch, so its RNG or a long grind with no RNG, but you get to the end point roughly the same but with RNG there is a chance to get it sooner.

    The majority of content providers are angry, they dont represent the community at all, each person has there own experience and perspective, but the negative voices are always louder, because the people that are happy are too busy just playing and having fun. Thats why online only content gives a completely skewed perspective.
    There are two sides to every story.

  7. Its all about just keeping you in the game. So many people cannot let it go but if they run out of things to do they stop playing. So instead of making content they make content last as long as possible. It is taking advantage of peoples love of the game. Which I think most people understand is the name of the game, but it has gotten worse and worse and worse and it is getting to the point of totally shameless. I wouldn't be surprised at this point if they just demand money in a tweet.

  8. To be honest, I am not sure how anyone goes back to WoW after playing FFXIV. Literally FFXIV makes it easier by far for players to have fun. And that is what players want is to have fun.

  9. They have dug themselves in an "un balanceable" situation with all the systems stacked and why people want Blizzard to take steps back. They have stated that tuning will be within ~5%, but that's for ONE system. For example with Protection Paladin in 9.0- going Kyrian with Pelagos soulbind, BiS 226 conduits, and BiS 235 legendary it is a 35-40% dmg increase not 5%

  10. Completely agree with the whole chasing nostalgia thing and trying to "feel like a kid" being tied to ignorance. You can kind of get fleeting senses that approximate that with new games, but you're never really going to feel like you did when you played your favorite game as a child for the first time and I think you're just setting yourself up for disappointment if you're chasing it. Kids have an innocence and a lack of understanding of the world that makes everything look so much more grand and wonderous than it really is. Simple life experience diminishes that sense of wonderment significantly, because there's less that is capable of surprising you. So, instead of seeking that feeling, I personally just seek the sense of enjoyment, intrigue and fulfillment from all my experiences, not limited to video games.

  11. If you ever wonder why some spec is way better than the other 3 of a certain class. I suggest looking up what the lead dev mains. There was never a tier where boomkin was in a bad place

  12. "Two levels of RNG?" — Welcome to World of Warcraft. Imagine a game with a lootsystem that works like the FF14 Dancer rotation – and that game would be WoW.

  13. He didn't mention the fact of having to recraft our legendaries because they changed how they functioned. I had to recraft my legendary as a holy priest 3 times, twice as disc and was looking to have to do it a 4th time when 9.1 came out when I stopped myself and said enough. I just didn't care enough anymore. Crafting the highest level legendary every time because they kept changing how it worked required weeks of grinding, close to 100k worth of gold in mats to craft (on my server anyway), only for them to flippantly change things around. I couldn't anymore.

  14. Blizzard (before acti) games over all – I will always have sentimental feelings for.

    I started on a pvp server and would be ganked by rogues, while questing, hanging out in Stormwind, and landing in Southshore.

    I was so affected by that pvp server that I dreamt about rogues in my house XD. I would always catch them in my hallway. I played a hunter – rogues hated hunters back then, we can find them with flares & aggressive pets.

    MadSeasonShow posted a video eulogy, his reason made sense to me. I don't see a reason to sub to a game that I've enjoyed up to 4 expansions ago.

  15. 8:50 its usually a parasitic system that gets replaced by the next patch,and also its a usualyl once per week/per day kinda thing. its super boring-.

    Its also once a week per chance, its not like you can just grind more. theres 1 system for 1 piece of gear, not like ff14 where you do top level, and thats it. and you get good gear by choice

    "a few of them"? more like, all of them, sicne legion.

    Also, the rep system can be fixed by giving Account bound reputation
    its literally 0 different from beast tribes, you get 3 quests a day, that gets you X amount of reps, so why not make it account wide?

    It breaks NOTHING except "engagement metrics LOL" cuz they scam you out of a 6 month membership and then not release a patch for 9. They minmax selling you two 6month subs.

    Corruptions wouldve been a fine and fun way to end the addon if they woudlve hda the vendor from the start that sells you the ones you need not 5 months into the patch

    Thorgast is like palace of the dead except in boring,with a lack of challenge except you get best in slot legendaries out of it and NOTHING ELSE

    24:30 but there are mounts that worked in that content, as well as the ability to steel npc mounts

  16. I’m perfectly fine with the MMO genre takes a hit if it means employees don’t have to be harassed or feel like they have to work themselves to death to maintain the CEO’s monetary hoarding habits.

  17. I'm a old guard as well, wife and I played EQ and I would kite around in the planes of power with my endless quiver ranger. Fun times.

    I've also played wow for a long time, and it felt more like an action game than a mmo. The lack of RPG elements, and with the RNG stuff more like diablo with the drops.
    While I agree with the video you watched, he did not say another reason. The casual side of things got ruined badly. The RNG elements helped the casuals in a way, Do a world quest? (dailies) and hey that weapon that was suppose to be only 100 item level got buffed to 125! So I got a decent weapon just by doing my dailies. They took that out, and gave the casuals nothing to replace it. They listen to feedback of people who just did group content, and not the players who like to slow grind other content and build up progression.

    So raiders, and mythic plus people hated loot rng, the casuals people enjoyed getting random rewards for doing daily grinds. I do think it needed to be removed, but not without giving a new system to the people who just enjoy grinding slowly. No tome system to help with gear or nothing.

  18. You say it's gonna be hard for him to enjoy something again as he did as a kid. But after watching his playthrough of FF XIV, in my opinion at least, he already found something that gives him that feeling. It is so very clear to see how much he just enjoys the game and is having fun playing the content and delving into the memes and the community. Of course nobody knows how long this will last, but at least for the foreseeable future, I'm willing to say that he has found a game that lets him enjoy himself on a pure fun level like a kid would.

  19. Who is that? Played wow 16 years at high end gameplay and never heard about this due but past 2 years i played FF 14 at the same time to now crossing over to FF14 fulltime. It would make more sence if you had a reaction video of "Stoopz" that actually is well known in the community and his video is way more emotional. And one more thing, aint theese reaction videos to people quiting wow getting old. It is in a way spiteful to keeep realing theese,

  20. I think one of the major factors (among others) for the exodus to FFXIV is that for alot of people, what's kept them playing is the people they've met through the game. And after a dozen failed MMOs to challenge WoW, they've all become conditioned to believe that WoW is the only place they can hang out with these people who they've become good friends with over the years. Some of us even met our SO through the game. The game stopped being the reason people were addicted to log on every day from morning to night several expansions ago. And most of them did try those other failed MMOs. Up until the point where, once again, they became conditioned to believe that WoW was the only place they could hang out with their friends.

    And now they've learned that they can hang out and have fun with their year long friends in FFXIV.

  21. In FF14 you are just as likely to form real life friendship. I have friends all over the South East Asia region and Australia. Some I have met in real life, some I have made a pact to survive Covid so we can meet once everything is over. It is a joy to see in game friendship blossom into real life. So don’t let WoW hold you back, because you and your friends will have a whole new world, new home. At the end of the day it’s not the game, it’s the time that you spent together.

  22. So back in Mist they had tokens you could purchase at Exalted. This would permanently unlock double rep gain for that faction for all your Alts. yes you still had to grind the rep but it was great. I don't think it would be game braking if they put that in for every rep in the game.

  23. FFXIV capitalizes on keypoints WoW fails too.

    Graphics – No contest, WoW is Fortnite, goofy, cartoony graphics, while FFXIV continually increases realism and makes worlds beautiful and wants you to fight to keep them as such.

    Music – FFXIV has the best game soundtracks of all-time…..

    Storyline – Linear story, continually progressing, never wavering from baseline characters. (Key to good story-telling)

    And you nailed the Reward System. FFXIV is a set path to what you desire. WoW is the carrot dangled on a string, just out of reach, as you walk on a treadmill.

    It's really no contest, and FFXIV has WoW to thank for all of the lessons they've learned from them. But Square Enix just excels where Blizzard continually fails.


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