Another glorious week has passed in Final Fantasy XIV, and I’ve churned out another several achievements. This week our sights are set on grand companies and the several time-gated grinds tied to them. So let’s see what this neglected content has in store for us…
Is Cecily the Midlander of the Week?
Think my most scuffed dungeon run was The Burn, was my first time reaching it, we did pretty good for majority of the dungeon but once we reached the last boss it was just hell, we kept dying to a lot of things and there was only about 10 minutes left on the dungeon timer I think, was not a great first time running it
Not the longest, but was close to being way too long. Doing Ultima Weapon today. Nothing special until the second phase where one of the DPS just. stops responding. eats a stack marker by themselves on the very edge, dies, and does not accept a revive, twice. So the rest of the second phase goes super slow until Ultima when–and at this point I start to wonder if there was malicious intent involved–the guy leaves as the other DPS is using LB3. The LB just gets eaten. And down a DPS with no free LB3, we start actually pressing up against the enrage. But whoever the party leader must've mashed recruit members cuz a summoner joins with like ten seconds on the countdown and we clutch it out.
I'm very sad you didn't put your Company Squadron MRoe in the Leather Daddy outfit. Day is ruined, life is misery 🥲
Most botched run was a Copperbell Hard I did at 3am; I was finishing roulettes before logging off. The healer was beyond drunk, the tank hadn't slept in 52 hours, and the black mage decided they'd follow along without ever actually doing anything, whether it be damage or literally just walking the snackies into the Abyss Worm enclosure. I was a sprout playing DRG and desperately trying to keep us together and get things dead before they caused problems while the tank decided to no brain wall to wall the walkway boss 6 times in a row.
I was too new to know how to leave :'(
Not a dungeon but there was a Lost City of Mhach that a bunch of my friend and I were doing where we were 100% sure that the other healer was a bot. They didn't say a thing, didn't respond to anything we said in chat, only hit Regen for the tank and the occasional Medica 1. No rezzing. I was the poor newly-minted Sage who had to act as essentially the sole healer. Maybe halfway through the Ozma fight they actually spoke up, just to say that we were being mean calling them a bot and that it was too hard to resurrect someone in the middle of a battle because it's too stressful.
Needless to say, we wiped several times and we all got drinks once that was finally finished.
The last dungeon of EW 6.0 for MSQ…. Got stuck in that dungeon for about 50 minutes or so. Had a WAR sprout (skipped all the way to 90) so they didn’t have the experience to dodge mechanics and I couldn’t out heal the amount of damage they took as a WHM. Plus one of the DPS knew the mechs but they had internet issues coming up and would die from the lag. We wiped like 3-4 times at least on the first boss alone. That was the longest I think I was in a dungeon
Roughest dungeon run: I once ended up in a Dzemael Darkhold w/ my Mom. She'd never been to the dungeon before, and while I'd run through it before, I'd never really learned the mechanics. Turns out neither of the other two randos who got stuck with us had either. We were basically blind proggins a dungeon LOL. We wiped and wiped and chatted a bit and wiped some more, but eventually we worked it out and it was so cool. I was terrified that the others would be annoyed or frustrated, but no, everyone just pulled together, and we pulled through! It was AMAZING. When we finally cleared it we all cheered waved and bowed and it was a legit amazing. Never experienced anything like it before or since. I've had a few rough runs where we'd wipe a bit, but nothing like that DD run. Side note, I've only had like 1 bad dungeon experience where someone was being a dick because we were doing it "wrong". Its one of the things I love about this game.
Anyway, I'm loving the series. Hope you can make the whole content creator thing work! Have a nice day!
The two fisher related adventurer plate sets are from Johnathas. Tied to getting Final Fish and World-class Troller.
Tower of Zot. I was healing, wife was tanking. We kept wiping on the final boss, like 4-5 times. One of the DPS got lippy with me saying it was my fault we kept wipeing (as if I wasn't spending all my mana rezing her) and I basically told her to stuff it. She said something really rude and wife decided it was time to kick. We got a new DPS and cleared the final boss the very next atempt. (Almost like I wasn't the problem.) She was so butt hurt she even sent me a bitchy tell after we got out of the dungeon.
Longest dungeon run was Amaurot.I was a sprout healer, going for my very first clear for MSQ progression. We zone in and find a dark knight, my white Mage and two dragoons.
The Dragoons never used skills. Only auto-attacked. But we got through it, because the tank was good and I was doing my best to keep everyone alive! Until the final boss.
The DPS could not avoid mechanics. We wiped twice, until the tank said "focus DPS, I can self-sustain", which I took to heart – and focused on healing them. He meant focus casting Glare; I focused healing and rezzing them, which meant the two DRG were actively reducing our party damage output. >.>
The final boss in that dungeon has a very soft enrage, so there was a limit to how long I could stay alive. We finally cleared on probably the 4th pull when the dark knight soloed the remaining 40%, after the boss started one-shotting me and I ran out of mana to raise the dragoons.
The DRK stayed after the dungeon to talk, we had a nice chat, he reassured me it was not my fault. Was actually a good experience – even though it took us nearly 45 minutes to clear a story dungeon, and it would literally have been faster with just the two of us, because I would have cast more damaging spells instead of healing and rezzing.
I feel I might be in the minority for this, but I pronounce Haukke Manor as “Hawk Manor.” I may or may not need to relearn how to say it correctly.
A few years back I had a long conversation with a guy while playing overwatch that he should be a voice actor or streamer with a voice like his. Yours reminds me of it enough to bring up that memory. If it’s you bro, I knew you were angry with my tall cause of small and these vids are great lol
28:30 this part fucking killed me xD no pun intended haha!
Avoiding leveling crafters ._.
I leveled what I need to so I could make repairs to my gear and that was that.
And then Anabaseios made healers have to wear armorer gear. Took me four years but I finally leveled ALL of my crafters because of that.
Isn't it pronounced hawk manor? Also praetorium is the longest fckn dungeon even if the time doesn't agree
Imagine getting pvp achievements
Aetherchemical Research Facility was also where two of my worst dungeon experiences were in recent times and it was because of the last boss, same as you LOL. The first one we finished near 50ish minutes left because the returner other dps kept messing up the timing for the AoEs and the second one also ended near the same time but the healer was the one who couldn't get the timing down. Everyone including me were gigachads and didn't lose faith and kept offering helpful advice to try and help with advice.
I also have terrible luck with Temple of Qarn dungeons when I get that in roulettes, something bad always happens in that one for some reason.
aurum vale we didnt make it past the first boss. only i was doing the mechanics. everyone was die ing the one dps was blaming me the healer for not spamming the right heals. and i kept telling him i cant heal insta kills do the mechanics. after the 10th attempt (3 of witch i didn't heal that dps) the abandon dungeon was popped. i blocked that idiot and took a 10 min break. queued back into lvl que for once again aurums. i messaged the grope "hay i just had a bad run of this place please do the mechanics." at least one person pinged back with something like "what loser doesn't do the mechanics." grope 2 cleared without any wipes and that experience left a bad tast in my mouth that eventually ended with me hanging up my healer staff (only played whm at the time) unless my friends need a healer.
By far the longest I've been in a dungeon was Haukke Manor Hard. When I first tried it I went in with my partners and roommate and none of us knew what we were doing. We wiped so many times but finally figured it out. I still get a little scared if I see it in Roulette and people don't know what they're doing.
my most scuffed run was a keeper of the lake duty roulette with a healer that i swear to the twelve was a bot. only casts cure 2, does not dps at all and eats all the avoidable attacks. thankfully i was warrior so it wasnt as much of an issue until we got to midgardsormr. no kidding, it was at this run that i learned how to use a tank LB for the first time. me and my friend will never forget that run and this dungeon for the rest of our lives.
Great video, Cider!
The weekly squadron mission is also just 18hrs the way I usually remember it is to do that and gather a map which is also on an 18hr timer as is what you said the retainers ventures so you can just bang them all out at the same time once you have them on the same resetting time frame hope that helps.
irony is … i'm watching this while i'm dying my supply minions ….
I made my girlfriend who has a lala, to make her squadron all lala's. To see sooooo many lala's wrecking shop will always be funny to me.
I remembered my retainers were on ventures exactly when you got there in this vid. lol (not that I left them on a completed venture for about 5 days straight or anything. I would never do that)
Do squads move with u when you change GC? Also, I have four of the same squaddies that you do. lol inghylswys, Nanasomi, Haestloya, and Cecily. koenbryda is another femroe (tank) who you could go for if you wanted to do that. She looks pretty cool. Fufulupa is a lala thm who also looks pretty cool. I like his hair, anyway.
So, it's not really a normal dungeon run, but I was doing Manalis with some friends and we went in with 4 DPS. We spent about 80 minutes getting to and then wiping to the last boss. Turns out aggro management with no tank and healing with no healer is kind of difficult.
My longest dungeon run was an hour and a half Fell Court of Troia run with the Trust NPCs. It took FOOORRRREEEEEVVER.
Your Wanderer's Palace run went about as well as every squadron command mission I have ever tried to do.
My longest dungeon was Lost City of Amdapore. All 4 of us were sprouts and this was before the dungeon rework. We only had 5 minutes left on the clock.
Speaking of French pronounciations… oiseaux is probably my favourite french word.
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one that's lvled alt jobs with command missions.
Besides getting a lot of XP from 15 to 60 for around 6-7 of my alt jobs, I've also curated my squadron to include all of the male Miqo'te, including the rare Kehda'to Moui, 2 female miqo'te – J'ludaba and E'ptolmi and 1 Au Ra female called Khorchi.
I've had them for the past 2 years and I wouldn't change them for the world :3
It's not hard to keep the squadron in check, it's literally just 1 button, it's just that some of the lvl 50 dungeons are a drag to do, if you plan to do them with squadron because you gotta do some mechanics correctly.
Shadowflare got removed in SHB and I miss it so on my Scholar.
Its surprising how many people overlook 'I Make This Look Good'. It can be obtained incredibly easy and early in anyones ARR journey