Blood of Emerald | The Sorrow of Werlyt | FFXIV: Shadowbringers

Hope you enjoy this one!

I was thinking how silly I was in the trial tbh but it’s all good fun.

The last few Werlyt Quests for the Diamond Weapon will be out on Thursday. 🙂
Eden’s Promise will be out sometime this week or next Tuesday.

Please look forward to them ^^

You can support me! 😀

#FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Shadowbringers #TheSorrowofWerlyt


14 thoughts on “Blood of Emerald | The Sorrow of Werlyt | FFXIV: Shadowbringers”

  1. They went the full wall to wall distance to make valens the most deplorable, creepy weirdo

    They used like ten different types of creepy and perverse to make him hateable

    Torture, racism, techno/mind torture, imperialism, messes with kids, etc.

  2. EMERALD FIGHT! Love the phase 2 of this one, just the music alone in that part sells it. Thanks again for spoiling us with all this content, it's been really helpful with the the increase in stress from school and from work to just have something to wind down with after a day of class or after a shift of work. Keep being awesome and can't wait for the next vid!

  3. They did a really good job of making Valens the MOST horrible character in the game. Every cutscene he's in he always succeeds at making my skin crawl, I remember I stopped doing the storyline for a few days because of how uncomfortable he made me. THAT's good writing, I've rarely found characters that can produce a reaction like that.

  4. To answer your positional question, enemies with a gap in the back of their target ring and the arrow sticking out the front do have positionals, while enemies with no gap and the arrow completely within the circle grant you positional bonuses no matter where you are.

  5. The presentation for this questline is really a step up for the game, and the writing continues to unnerve. Emerald Weapon's oversoul being Gaius really took me by surprise; it adds another unsettling layer to the story. also everything with valens makes my skin crawl. its like the writers were like 'how can we make this guy a pedophile without actually saying it'

  6. "do positionals matter on this one?"
    Yes, if there's a big arrow in the front and a gap in the back, positionals matter. If there's a full ring around them and, I believe, no side arrows, it's free positioning. You'll find those types of enemies mostly in places like POTD. I think all enemies in POTD besides bosses are free-positional.

    Gap in the back, positionals matter.


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