Between the Lines FFXIV: The Warrior of Light Dies!? Endwalker Speculation

On the eve of Endwalker’s release, the LoreLines team’s “Death Cult” reveals why they think the Warrior of Light will die in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker.

00:00 – Intro
00:30 – Spoiler Warning
01:58 – Struggles of a Hero
5:53 – The Demise of Twin Heroes
16:52 – The Eighth Umbral Calamity
20:26 – Hydaelyn
22:13 – Zenos
23:27 – Fandaniel
25:05 – Erasure
27:46 – Closing Thanks

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#WoL #Death #Theory


8 thoughts on “Between the Lines FFXIV: The Warrior of Light Dies!? Endwalker Speculation”

  1. Hmmm… I had few theories about what could happen, like what was the cause of the Final Days in the first place, back when there were The Ancients * cough * Necron * cough * .
    I was not considering something so obvious in our face like being some kind of incarnation of Messiah and that we were destined to die, to clean up all of the sins.
    That's clever and I can't wait for tomorrow!

  2. The Azem Crystal recorded Emets voice over. If they bring him back it would be uncharacteristically lazy of the writers and would make all deaths in the game potentially meaningless. He’s not coming back.

  3. I’ve always thought that we didn’t avoid the 8th Umbral Calamity and that the Final Days were replacing it instead.

    There was an interview with Ishikawa-san about G’raha and how there was a price to pay. At the time I thought since he pretty much avoided death that he would die at some point. Now with your video bringing it up maybe that price is WoL dying.

    WoL did die during the 8th Umbral which was one of the causes for Crystal Tower wibbly wobbly timey wimey things happening.

    As for Fandaniel, choosing Asahi as a vessel is the devs giving us a very direct hint. Asahi when we first meet him is friendly and seemed to want to broker peace with Doma. That is until he went mask off on WoL while everyone else was distracted.

    Fandaniel is a Judas or more aptly a BRUTUS. He is a betrayer. His name being a even more direct hint, Asahi sas Brutus. Asahi was betrayer of his homeland and Fandaniel is very much the same.

    “Et tu brute?”

    That deep secret that he has might be the fact he betrayed the Convocation in some fashion. How and why? We’re finding out soon!

    Anywho thanks so much for the content! You guys have been amazing!

  4. I actually thought about including the possibility that the Scions die which lead to the River Styx dungeon in my video on the dungeon, but ended up thinking it was too crazy lol

  5. I wonder how the WOL dying would work from a gameplay standpoint though. We have always had a "way out" of some important event in the story (the fight with ifirit comes to mind) so that we aren't locked into it and can about doing other things. I can't really see a way for us to be dead but still able to go off and grab a timed node before continuing the msq or something

  6. I'm not sure if this was mentioned in another of your videos but it seems to me that Zenos has what looks like white auracite in the upper part of his scythe. Fandango also brings up how he'd rather die to "someone who has it all" rather than the WoL. Can't wait to start getting more answers, thanks very much for your vids 🙂


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