In this video Xeno reacts to some of the best and coolest looking Final Fantasy 14 animation mods he has seen so far. The job actions mods featured in this video are made by ZX-Lanze. Xeno does not condone the use of any third party tool or mod in Final Fantasy XIV. Xeno is a reformed player who wants to go to the next media tour.
Original videos:
The Ideal Ninja Job Actions Mod ver.1 preview :
A collection of free early release mods for members only:
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#Xeno #FFXIV #endwalker
Channel Editor: Leo Coman (Discord: Leo#9926)
Outro song: Sirius Beat – The Chosen
Background music by Sirius Beat
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4:19 damn tekken feelings
Imma have to check out that pally one
People need to send these animations as suggestions to SE add new animations. Then again Im sure they watch these vids. I don't think a vid like this is gonna get anyone banned cause even Yoshi P said they were looking at plugins to see what to add to the game like party cooldowns are being added that were part of a plugin in up till now. I wish they would redo a ton of animations or pay the animators a small fee to send them theirs lol…
I could be wrong but that DRK stance you liked is pretty much the FFXI greatsword stance for Hume, Galka, and Tarutaru. Mithra and Elevaans looked better
He wants to install the mods so bad LMAO.
I have the MNK pack, would highly recommend.
On the ninja mod.
The stance you like so much, is just the female ninja stance, maybe ever so slightly enhanced. Female and male idle stances differ.
The run animation is basically the rogue one, before you become a ninja and change to the naruto shit, something I wish they let us choose instead.
drk mod idle look so nice, the one we have is just retarded
These animations are really clean and i agree it would be cool if we could toggle between a few different sets of moves, it also would be great from a story point of view too, since not every martial art is the same so there would be different techniques of using your fist,sword,lance,etc. depending on the person.
I need new DRK animations too
Loving the animations and I do agree with dark knight having a weird walking animation. I feel like if they changed it to the dark knight has to kinda drag the sword behind them then it would be better because it would show off just the weight of the sword more which would be nice.
paid mods LOL
that DRK Hardslash just had first swing of the Scourge animation put in it
Someone please clip the 8:30 bit. It had me hollering
Strummer, media tour!
One of the things I really miss from XI is how each race had different stances and attack animations with each weapon, even extending to weapon skills in some races, like Tarus doing a backflip at the end of Asuran Fists. It would be so sick if we got that in XIV, and maybe a way to unlock other races' stances and use /cpose or a similar command to switch or something.
Ok, this is the best one by far from these videos, agree on the fell cleave thing though, taht should be a combo ender, fell cleave should be a cool quick animation that looks good when you do it back to back 5 times
I found animation mods for Dark Knight and handpicked old animations to revert to which are just so much fucking better
I modded some of the stupid animations already, makes me not feel so dumb running around anymore.
Watching mods made me think that they could create a customization tab for your skills that would allow you to reskin them just like mods do. They could be unlockable and another thing to strive for in the game. Just like glamour, weapon models, relics etc.
Drks be runnin around like they got a big ass weed whacker
gonna report every single one of them.
yoship : we have limited graphic resource
random modder:
i really want a clean doton