I’TS PART 2 GANG some of you waited 3 years for this ffxiv meme fix, maybe this will hold you over for a few hours before you go into withdrawal again (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯) and yes, I am alive
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Yaaay the long awaited pt. 2!🎉
Hahahha so good, the DRK bit got me in teaaarsss xD
And the finale ohhh👀😱
Bro did scholars dirty xD
it rly do be like this
Amazing lol.
Paladins rly changed from the last vid huh…
"What kind of cat do you want?"
"Miqo'te" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
this are so good
bro am i the only non-degenerate paladin or something, cus at this point I'm kind of confused.
0:16 Crusader finally embraced his inner weeb, and stopped using a word “weeb”.
Because , at the end of day, it’s just a hobby to love and adore Japanese things.
Ah yes, the Red Mage drip.
I know it very well!
As I thought only plds are sane
5:09 this legit killed me, good job
But tbh the viper is clearly Darth Maul once he joins both swords into one
if you plan a third part can i suggest to put the scene where mash kyrielight use her Noble phantasm when PLD use the LB at level 3?
we RDM, really are the drippiest
Warrior Is Based Also Baby Sis Fierian Perfect Black Mage!
Are we gonna ignore the person saying "buuulllgeeeee!" during the monk one? 😂 Anyways, I've been waiting for this for so long! THIS MAKES ME SO FRIGGIN HAPPY, THANK YOU FOR THIS BLESSING
My favorite two were the Paladin, and Black Mage parts. My main is a Paladin, but whenever I play Black Mage in a group I'm like I CAN'T CAST IF YOU KEEP PULLING THE MOBS AWAY! Also the summoner part killed me.
As a certified galvanize dispenser I agree. We are huge nerds with a god complex.
As a SGE main, nothing will top the feeling of working with an experienced SCH on The Final Day. Had SO much mitigation that with the tank lb3, boss didn't even make our hp touch the halfway mark.
As someone that mains Scholar… yep. It do be like that.
as gnb main, i can only say: yes
"TN: keikaku means nakama" got me good