Asmongold's DUMBEST Take On Final Fantasy XIV

It’s ok Asmon… we all have our bad takes. Love you anyway. 😉 Enjoy Elden Ring, Lost Ark, and WoW! Hope to see you back in Eorzea soon.

Check out The Popoto Pub FFXIV Podcast here:

#asmongold #ff14 #meme #endwalker #ffxiv #popojagaimo #finalfantasy #mmo #graphics


33 thoughts on “Asmongold's DUMBEST Take On Final Fantasy XIV”

  1. He is right without gshade the game look abhorrent. There is a good base tho when you use gshade it's like the game really comes to life and suddenly the graphics are awesome. Very strange that it took the devs this long to start addressing that.

  2. Honestly I think FF graphics look plenty good. By pure graphic standards alone, sure they're a bit dated. But they're by no means terrible, and the devs generally do a great job making the best out of them.

    I also think graphics in mmos are super overrated. Having a game look good is nice, but at the end of the day it's an mmo. The point is to be able to have tons of people doing stuff together. If your game looks super pretty, it's going to have a hard time on anyone's machine trying to render super high quality models/lighting/textures when there's tons of people doing something like a big raid or doing a world boss. This is part of the reason why games like WoW have that more stylized art style. Because it makes it easier to render lots of people and still keep enough performance, and it means more people can run the game. And in FF14's case, also because the game is on console.

    As nice as having amazing graphics is, having an mmo that plays well with lots of people together is way more important to me. And lest we forget, an obsession with super high graphics is one of the reasons why FF14 1.0 failed. They put so much of an emphasis on high graphics on everything, including random stuff like barrels in the corner having as many polygons as a player, that it ran terribly. Sure technology has moved far enough along that we can probably afford to bring up the bottom end a bit, but they still can't bring it up THAT much or they risk the same issue as before.

  3. as an artist, I dont get why ppl hate on 14s graphics so much. OKAY I DO get why, but i think they overblow it. the colors could use a tiny bump but otherwise i like them. but then again, i have an art degree that I hasnt gotten me an industry job in 10 years so maybe im just a shitty artist lol

    as someone who actively analyzes the art in video games from the polycount to the lightning to way the textures are rendered, to the concept art and thinking about what brushes they must have used and the colors they used on the rim light, etc etc….I think FFXIV looks great lol. BUT im not a stickler for realism, i prefer a bit of stylization and FFXIV has the perfect blend of realism and stylization. when i see people be like "the games unplayable without g shade" im like….maybe you need to calm down a little LOL yea its not perfect, everything can be improved, i just think its overblown lol.

    it kind of reminds me of college, back when Olivion had been released for a little bit and everyone was like OMG THE GRAPHICS ARE AMAZING, THIS GAME LOOKS SO GREAT and i was like…..this game has NO ART in it. Its all programmer art (muddy brown grey photo textures on everything for realism). Sure the technical aspects were impressive, but they didnt do anything for me without some nice art imo. A professor of mine once said a turd painted gold is still a turd. XD i feel like FFXIV has the opposite problem, its got a nice timeless aesthetic to it but since its not Crysis or Horizon Forbidden West people rage at it looking like shit.

    I am looking forward to the graphical update, there are PIXELY ass gear sets in the game that need an update YESTERDAY. The lighting improvements also have me excited, though the updates to the player models looks a little concerning. I'm….optimistically apprehensive. I'm also excited for FF16, the FF14 aesthetic but with higher technical budget, yes please. ^^ (I will say as good as the trailer for that looks, there are aspects to it that make it seem….not at its full potential, but that makes me even more excited to see how much its improved when we get more info later this year)

    Sorry for my walls of text lol

  4. "Graphics" is a pretty broad term in the grand scheme of things. Really, the only issue I have with the look of FFXIV is that some things look pretty flat and the anti-aliasing is pretty bad. Gshade can certainly go a ways towards alleviating this but it'll be nice for the game to finally move even further away from it's PS3 roots.

  5. That is what playing world of warcraft too long and too obsessively does to your brain.
    You develop a psychological illness that warps your perception.
    If you play too much wow you literally become unable to perceive what is good looking.
    Like its causing physical damage to your brain impacting your perceiption.

  6. I'm glad that the first thing the devs are looking at is the minutia, the small details that you won't see from afar but are glaringly bad up close
    Texture quality, pixel count, shadow rendering, etc.
    Things that make me say "the game looks good, just don't look too closely" whenever someone asks about the graphics
    For a month of testing, the team more than outdid themselves in updated graphics imo

  7. Yeah I don’t think anyone who is saying the graphics of this game are bad have any idea what they are talking about. This game has so much stunning scenery and incredible looking dungeons and shit. You can not like graphics but confusing your subjective taste with objective fact is retarded. I would also take an FF mountain over the flat, texture less slabs of rock that WoW has especially in Eternity’s End.

  8. Yep I saw that and went WTF is he talking about when he plays WoW? As a long time wow player turned refugee I hear the graphics are bad from alot of friends that still play wow and I'm just like WTF? Real extreme case of the pot calling the kettle black.

  9. I personally don't like asmongold

    He's a complainer of every little thing

    Graphics aren't that important in game. I mean it's a plus sure. But it's the game itself is what makes the game awesome.

    I can get past the weird miqote plus mark tails

  10. The updates Yoshi P is talking about are a welcome improvement. Granted, the graphics are dated a bit. The game was put out about 11+ years ago. That's before Windows 8 came out for goodness sake. So the graphics are going to be a bit dated. Considering they are that old, I would consider them good enough. Unless you go out of your way to look for anomalies, you aren't really seeing anything too terrible. If one focus on the story (shocker that anyone would since it is an RPG), then one almost never notices graphical issues.
    What I find funny about this is, what is he comparing FFXIV graphics to? WoW? I'd take FFXIV over WoW any day. Even after their re-skinning back a while (what WOTLK, i think?) How about LOTRO? FFXIV is better hands down. How about Star Wars: The Old Republic? I'd say FFXIV beat that one too. I think the only MMO that actually came out in 2011 that might have comparable graphics, at all, would be Tera. And I am not entirely sure that FFXIV doesn't beat that out too.
    If he's comparing it to Lost Ark or Amazon's trainwreck of a broken dumpster fire called New World then what does he expect? There isn't likely to be a single 11 year old game that can claim comparable graphics to a game that came out in the last 3 years in the MMO genre.

  11. I will never understand this pretty common gripe I've seen with FF, to me it looks great, and I especially never understood it coming from WoW players because of what I've seen of WoW it really does not look that great either and I think it looks even more dated than FF

  12. The graphics are dated but I wouldn’t say they are bad. More important than graphics is art style IMO. Do you like the art style or not should be the real question. WoW is dated graphics too but the art style has always been great IMO. FF art style is different and I’m enjoying it too. It’s okay to have preferences in art style but to say the graphics are bad in older games is a bit silly I think.

  13. Graphically speaking, XIV is bad. Ludicrously low resolution outfit textures (Crystal Sage is the worst offender, but everyone has the chunky squares), terrible anti-aliasing, mediocre world lighting, with no dynamic lighting whatsoever.
    However, it generally doesn't look bad because the art direction and how they design and apply the limited toolkit available is, almost always, spot on. (Except you, Crystal Sage >_>)
    Perfectly demonstrated by this video, all the scenes you showcased are when the art direction is so good that it hides the poor graphical fidelity of the game, plus you have extra shaders that help a lot (I personally can't stand playing XIV anymore without some shaders helping it boost contrast and saturation)

  14. People like him are entitled AF and should honestly just be ignored. Gamers who only play games for graphics are sad, and miss the entire point of gaming. Playing other MMO'S after XIV feels like dating a hot girl but she's empty in the head.

  15. well thats because FFxiv graphics are shit right now. its the truth, its still using graphics from like 2013 i believe. And im talking without any addons like gshade. But i am glad they are doing a graphics upgrade next expansion. with that said, i dont care about graphics when it comes to games. my top priorities are gameplay and story.

  16. graphics are not great compared to newer single player games but we have to remember asmon played wow with its cartoonish graphics forever. Now WoW has some really nice zones IMO but the character avatars are pretty ugly especially the clothes.

  17. To play a bit of Devil's Advocate for Asmon here, he hasn't touched anything past almost unlocking Stormblood…which is when PS3 support was dropped completely and the FFXIV graphics improved quite a bit. That being said, I'm glad SE will be looking into improving things further and if the teasers they showed during the Live Letter are that jawdropping after only about a month's worth of work from their art team, imagine how it'll be by the time 7.0 launches.

  18. I've played FFXIV for many years now, and I have to admit that compared to most other games out there FFXIV is definitely lacking in graphics quality. The art itself is fine, but the engine is pretty bad. The most notable flaw is the anti-aliasing implementation, which borders on horrendous. From what was teased at the graphics improvement announcement, the new changes will be pretty big for the game.


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