Path of Fire, the 2nd expansion of Guild Wars 2, is now in my possession to try out. This is the expansion where mounts first started to show up in the game, let’s take a look and see how it is when compared to the previous content in the game.
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Now I know it’s not Secrets of the Obscure, but hey! I’m getting there lol
PoF will always be my fav because it's so absolutely gorgeous and the music!!
Downside : metas :/
Man u made me miss this game.. ima install it.
We dont have quests but we do have the achivement panel in which you find sort of quests with a gazilions of different rewards all from ascended gear, infusions, skins, mastery points, 4 mount types that you yet might not have yet and all kinds of other things. Some are them are not so engaging, others are superfun, some you do for the reward only and so on. If you some day feel like hmm i dont know what to do today, go through your achivement panel and look for what you want to have or aim for.
i just like the fact that you can just go to the newest expansion or whichever you are on and just jump into the content.
isnt it great to play a game that does not cut to 75 cut scenes an hour and actually lets you play the game ,,,, my god I could not handle FF MSQ, i HATE those stupid twins in FF especially the boy
I just binged watch all your GW2 experience rn and it's pretty nice to see you are having a good time with the game!
I have over 2.5k h in GW and well, I just started for the first time LS4. Might sound a little bit like a fantasy but well, the game does a lot of things so well that I don't feel that I need to rush the story. I focus on completing every single achievement for each storyline, I wasted a lot of time in dungeons and Fractals, I grind events or just do metas cus they are profitable and fun as hell that it's easy to get lost in time.
To be fair, you said that PoF is only desert. Imho, if you look closer to it, it's just more than a desert. In most of other games, deserts are just plain and straight, with dunes here and there and thats it. In PoF, you have various faunas, hills, hell even a snow part is there, lots of big ass sulfur lakes, some kind of astral place in the skyes.. It's so much more than just a desert.
The story could be kinda longer, that's a fact. But I like the way ArenaNet made it shorter so you can explore the maps through the events and quests. Truth is the metas are a step down in PoF, but you can learn so much around the areas through them. They did it differently, and even it's not a top notch, it's different from other maps, which is a plus for me at least.
To the Griffon, yea it feels like just a upgraded glider. Wait till you level him up. It's and amazing mount that takes speed from the hight and takes hight from the speed. I believe you will fall in love with it. And, I mean, the mounts overall are just such a amazing things and you can see through the whole PoF the passion of the devs. As someone said – They didn't have to do it, but they did.
Very well done video dude. Keep grinding!
Love watching your videos.
One thing I like about GW2 is that it doesn't just add a new mechanic then forgets about it in later expansions, both the glider and the mounts are still relevant in the new SoTo expansion, and the fact that despite mounts being heavily focused on in the PoF expansion, the story missions that come after it each also adds a new unique mount (except Icebrood Saga) with LWS4 adding the Skyscale and the Roller beetle and EoD adding the Siege turtle. You can also acquire the Skyscale from SoTo for those who don't have LWS4, and for those who do, getting the Skyscale from both SoTo and LWS4 enhances it's abilities making the mount even more useful.
Also a side note, there is another mount called the Warclaw that you can obtain from WvW which is primarily used for fighting against players and such.
I prefer games for their story, so POF was my favorite expansion and its LWS was the best of them all. HoT and its imposing Elder Dragon, Canach, the base game with Zhaitan and the giant airship chase vs. legions of undead. I truly had fun experiencing it all.
Personally, the magic ended with the last bits of Icebrood, EoD, and the EoD Epilogue. That collective there didn't feel as fun or interesting; maybe it was too rushed for me to feel invested. Something is 'missing' that used to be there and isn't anymore.
I'm still starting off in SOTO, so with my experience in the past two years being tamed, tempered and subsided, I'll see how my personal journey goes with that. 👍
P.S. I'm a little sad I wasn't there at the start of FFXIV, but I will say that FF saved me when I hit a depression and both GW2 and WoW failed me when I needed to fill that vacancy.
oh wait just 600 subs?! from the quality I expected 10k minimum
welp, time to binge all your gw2 vids, sub definitely earned, will wait patiently for more gw2 vids
Traditional quests are often buried in the achievements, there you'll find all sort of missions and collections that gives very valuable and unique rewards 🙂
I’ve bounced from mmo to mmo after being a Warcraft only person until the end of MoP and GW 2 feels like it’s the only one that’s genuinely casual friendly. I just came back after like a year break, picked up where I left off and didn’t feel like I really missed out on anything.
It’s definitely not for all players, you have to kind of make your own goals and figure out what you want to do in the game, it doesn’t shove progression in your face, but if you’re the type of player that likes it just set little or big goals and then slowly work through/towards them the game is great.
Plus the story is pretty solid for an mmo, maybe not quite FF level, but better than most, and it’s full of pretty good voice acting.
"Annnnnd she's (Kormir) gone."
Yeaaaaah, that's about on-brand for her, I'm afraid…
Glad you got to play through path of fire!!! Its an excellent expansion! The griffon and jackal are my favorite mounts. Jackal bc it can go up slopes instead of getting caught like the raptor. The griffon is just pure fun. The skyscale has more utility which is why you see everyone run it… but the griffon is hands down the most fun (and expensive 200 gold iirc) mount in the game.
Living world season 4 is my (and i think most of the communities) favorite living world season. It has amazing and profitable events/metas. It has the best gathering currencies (volatile magic). The story is great, though, a bit all over the place (literally like all over the world). You get to unlock two mounts [roller beetle (fast af land mount) and skyscale (though i think there is a new way to get in SOTO that is supposed to be easier idk much about it though)]. The legendary accessory (?) you unlock/craft from living world season 4 is the same as slot as season 3 (vision and aroura (sp)) but much more fun and less repetitive.
Sorry for all the asides my adhd meds havent kicked in yet so i just want to keep explaining and explaining. Good luck on Starfield and 2077. I plan to do 2077 as well. I havent heard of starfield so i will look into it. GW2 and its community is always happy to have you and any returning player back!!!!
Fantastic editing, great script. Many a sensible chuckle were had.
Gw2 fun af frfr
Hey, i'm burnt out from FFXIV and looking for a new MMO to become my main mmo. Is this 1 new player friendly? I tried to get into GW2 years ago and never got it to stick but don't remember why. Also what's a good profession for a new player?
My man, just you wait for living world season 4. I hope you make a video about it too. This one was great. XD wish you the best.