Here’s a couple new player tips by.. well.. a new player. I’ve recently gotten lost in the sauce with #FFXIV and thought you might be interested in tips from the perspective of a newer player.
00:00 Intro
00:42 Tip #1 – Customize your game!
02:01 Tip #2 – Read your tooltips!
02:46 Tip #3 – Understand your role!
05:18 Tip #4 – More than just MSQ!
06:43 Tip #5 – No such thing as “Too Big Brain”
07:56 Honorable Mentions
08:12 Outro
Check out these cool people:
Darianhart –
Midnababy –
RinKarigani –
ZeplaHQ –
Hollykipz –
I hope to see you guys at the stream!
#ffxiv #FinalFantasy14
YO! Hope you guys enjoyed this! Trying a different style of video for this one. If you're a veteran player and you've got some tips that didn't get covered, be sure to drop them below!
Stream is LIVE!!
About healers focus on healing. While that is important. Also remember: Overhealing is a waste of mp that you could use to damage instead. Always remember a dead mob cant do damage and by that helps your healing. Keep your DoTs up at least.
And also! the community is mostly very open and helpful (obviously we do have our black sheep) so if you are not sure about smth in a group then ask the people around you. :3
If you're tanking, ask your healer if big pulls are okay or if they'd prefer smaller pulls. We've all been new healer before and the tank tries to pull so much and you're screaming inside
Yo no way u play this game! That's crazy!! Awesome seeing you play FFXIV!
If you're on pc and trying to learn/improve beyond the tooltips and honestly little the game makes apparent to you about how to play jobs, use ACT (search "Advanced Combat Tracker FFXIV")! Don't worry so much about the numbers you are putting out, what's important when learning is that taking logs of your play allows for better evaluations of the things you are doing right and wrong. Upload these logs to "fflogs", they don't have to be public if you don't want them to be – this is just so that you can then copy and paste the link to that log into a site called "xivanalysis", a helpful tool with guides written by top players that will also provide you with a timeline of your actions during an encounter that makes review as easy as it can be. The Balance discord server is also an extremely helpful resource for learning the fundamentals of any job/role you want. Although many of the resources on the server are endgame focused, the job guides in particular are extremely well written and are the best starting point for any job you have in mind.
Remember that when you gather, you can't just run up to any random tree as a botanist. You have to gather at nodes. Same goes for mining. Don't be like me and go "oh okay so I'm a miner, so I go to copperbell mines to mine right" like an idiot LOL
Tip #1: give controller a shot. It became my favorite way to play the game.
Totally biased tip #2: Red Mage is the best class ever created in an mmo 💪
please please please sell me a capture card 3ds system!! You would be helping me so much bro. I emailed you if you're feeling gracious.