Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle Raid Guide – FFXIV 6.4


A quick overview of the new NORMAL RAID of PANDAEMONIUM guaranteed to get you through it!

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5 thoughts on “Anabaseios: The Tenth Circle Raid Guide – FFXIV 6.4”

  1. I seem to remember that getting hit by the tower explosions (the markers after they landed) inflicts doom as well, so healers need to be quick to Esuna those players before they just keel over.

    First time I've caught up and am doing these raids before the guides come out, which feels kinda special. Throughout the entire game, after killing bosses blind, I've seen pretty much every boss guide you've put out (which are a lot ), and it's fantastic to see you're still going after all those years.

  2. Thanks so much for this – it definitely helps. Harrowing Hell in particular confused every group I was with – should we stand at the front of the platform, or far away to take less dmg then run to the front?

  3. Its important to note that during Wicked Step, only the tanks can stand on the tankbuster towers.

    I've seen people either instinctively walk into the towers or maybe they think that they can help but instead they just take lethal damage from it 🤷🏻‍♂️


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