Asmongold Reacts to "Why I Quit WoW to Raid in FFXIV"

Asmongold watches a video by Lynx Kameli, once a competitive hardcore raider in World of Warcraft and now a competitive player in Final Fantasy 14. An interesting video about someone who was able to finally quit WoW and make the jump to Final Fantasy XIV, discussing what really are the differences between the 2 MMOs raiding formats…

Original Video: (Why I Quit Mythic Raiding in WoW to Raid in FFXIV)

Check out Lynx:

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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold

► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough

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26 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "Why I Quit WoW to Raid in FFXIV"”

  1. Super happy Asmongold liked the video! I wanted nothing more than to provide a different perspective on the game and explain how a more content-focused player can still enjoy FF14 alongside all it's other qualities. Thanks so much for watching 😀

  2. I get wanting to do end game raids but skipping the story and not even knowing why you're doing a raid is kinda defeating the purpose of final fantasy game that is very story focused.

  3. Games are suppose to be fun and also a means of relieving stress. If it requires you to play it for X number of hours a day, it becomes a chore. Chores are mostly not fun.

  4. just started ff14 a couple days ago. not usually into the whole anime type look but something about the game is very luring. coming from wow (13 years) its very different but enjoyable.

  5. Problem in FF14 is there is no good raid culture. Been trying for years to get things going but just sooo many people playing for transgmog or houses or whatever. Besides those raids were not really that good. Not that wow has perfect raids but we'll….. He's gonna see what I mean

  6. I think the job-swapping is so huge. Not only does it let you keep that bond with your main, but it also is way better than account-wide in the sense that it makes your character more visible in the community, instead of youre 5th throwaway alt.

  7. something like in the original FF 7 and taking down Secret weapons equipping mimic materia, casting knights of the round and sometimes phoenix to revive all. make one mistake and you lose the fight with a one shot wipe. It took me roughly 45 mins per fight. This was my raid boss back then. I almost fought it daily.

  8. When it comes down to gear relevance, this is why I love ESO. Gear you got a year ago, remains relevant now. But before I get all the hate… yes I know that ESO is strictly casual mmo for the most part. Doesn't take away from some amazing game design decisions they made tho…

  9. The hotbar setup of the guy in the video makes me feel so uneasy. As a DRK main myself who does endgame raiding, his setup feels so illogical. His basic combo is spread out across the bottom bar, rather than together. So weird.
    I have no idea if that is normal, but I group my relevant skills together so it's easier to look at.

    15:00 – Your gear gets scaled down, but anyone who has ran content without over levelled gear will tell you that it makes a MASSIVE difference. It makes a lot of people very unprepared for current content, as everyone dungeon they've done before has had over geared people in it. It's not a night and day difference, but it is still very noticeable.


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