Asmongold Reacts to "The Awful Side of FFXIV"

BOOSTING IN FINAL FANTASY 14? In the last few weeks there’s been quite a bit of drama around WoW refugees coming to FF14, boosting to high level and skipping the story. Quin was the target of such harassment and drama. Now that the WoW World First Raiders Limit are also coming to FFXIV and boosting to endgame, Asmongold discusses about it and FF14 Gatekeeping while watching a video by

Original Video: (The Awful Side of FFXIV)


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35 thoughts on “Asmongold Reacts to "The Awful Side of FFXIV"”

  1. I boosted a few jobs but my MSQ was done long ago. I do not advise boosting prior to that but I don't hate on those who do. Elitist Jerks is what we used to call people in wow, like he is talking about. It is a game, have fun!

  2. When arm's length was first introduced; I interpreted it as I get slowed down upon blocking a knockback.
    Played since ARR btw when tempered will was this skill without the slow effect.

  3. I still have yet to finish HW (at the last stretch before Post HW quests) and have leveled 2 classes to 60 (since GNB and DNC don't count lmao), most others are 50 or just not gonna bother. Mainly cause I wanted to see other roles and sht (HLR not for me and I'm a "slower" tank than most since I don't enjoy facepulling everything expecting HLR to super heal me, hate when Tanks do that honestly even if it's faster burning in the long run, although I'm on PS4/5 so I can't have a full screen of skills like PC thus I'm very selective of which skills to even use <.<).

  4. I don't like boost and here is my take why.
    Everyone you meet in the game currently has some investment in the story. They show respect to the game, the world and the other players who want to experience it.

    It is my firm belief that if a large enough amount of players start to boost they will not respect the story or the characters. This will lead to people ridicule those who want to get immersed and spoilers will start to be thrown around. This is a community I do not want.

    Also the story is a journey, it's an adventure with many rewards and you know what each and every player had to go through to get where they are. It brings meaning to everything we do in the game. By buying a boost you might not care yourself, but in a weird way you will lessen everyones else experience and the value you put into it.


    Buying for advantages is always a slippery slope and this is a time advantage, there is no way around that.

    I for one wish the boost was never added to the story.

    Honestly I could not care less about your experience, I just don't want you to sully mine.

  5. to play devils advocate a little.

    the boosts are nice if ur making an alt to play with friends on different data centres and dont want to commit another 200+ hrs to a character doing stuff uve done before… however when ur brand new and its ur first time. yeah boosts are evil. no question
    if only they could lock them for leafies

  6. I click through 85-90% of the story and just watch asmon do it, cause I like that… and while I'm at the start of the 3rd expansion and rich is at the end, I dont spend all day playing the game, I have to work. But it's still taken me over a month to get here with over 500 hours played.

  7. Well yeah sure but i would love to see a person who'd boosted his ninja to 80 go into the raid and play after watching a rotation tutorial, not playing the game before.

    Yes, you can eventually become as good as other players with practice, but come on, going through campaign DOES give you the experience.

  8. If you do play for the story or even bother to look at it, the thing with FFXIV is that the story won't make sense as it builds from the previous expansions and the base game. Everything is actually important to building the narrative because the game does builds both character development and lore subtly.

    Imo, it's really not worth actually reading through the story if you skip parts of it at all because of all the nuances the narrative drives makes you miss a lot of the emotions that drive the narrative and that just makes the narrative pretty boring in general.

    Arms length is really unclear – mainly because you have to know that the effect [Slow] is an Final Fantasy effect that appeared in previous games where it slowed your action speed. Even then, you may not make the association because Slow usually makes people think movement speed slow instead of Weaponskill + spellspeed slow. For the longest part when I tanked, I never understood that either and only used it to prevent knockback until someone told me it can be used to slow enemies' autoattacks in dungeons for 15 seconds if they hit you. Amazing mitigation skill in trash mobs and becomes another mitigation tool fairly early into your leveling experience.

    But yeah, people can clear the story and still be clueless on the actual gameplay. You can get carried throughout the entire game by better players and never realize that until you suddenly get thrown into a duty with a only bad players as well — and then still not realize you may be part of the problem when you only see other people sucking in comparison to the good ones. Gear mitigates that difficulty a ton, but player skill is the driving force. Really good players can mitigate the difficulty so much that you don't realize the fight was a ten times more difficult than it should be ( especially those god healers who can heal and maximize DPS uptime to hit more than the average DPS who doesn't know their rotation while simultaneously carry the tanks who don't rotate their mitigations to slow down the rate at which they lose hp consistently and eat a tankbuster raw.).

  9. im so glad that Asmon brings more tolerance on this topic. people get so fking butthurt when you tell them you only raid and dont play the story.. like should I get butthurt too that you dont share my opinion ? just fk off you plebs and leave everyone doing whatever they want

  10. Why can these idiots not see it has nothing to do with the story, skipping the story or any of that. It’s 100% about rocking up at level 70, going into those first instances even upwards of level 80 and being totally clueless. Basic mechanics, rotations and abilities you’d know about if you did the levelling process. Skip the story, knock yourself out. Mash escape on every cutscene. Just do the process and learn how to play the game so we don’t have to suffer while you figure out what the stack icon looks like

  11. The assumption about Slow at first, was that I would get Slow movement speed when the barrier got struck, as a way to balance the fact I might ignore a mecanic.
    Then I though it would give Slow movement to the first enemy it would hit me.

    It took watching a video, to know what it does.

  12. If they truly do not and will not care about the story, there isn't really a problem with boosting. If they do this though there is a high chance they will not know how to play their class at all and not know the majority of mechanics in the game. The advantage of going through everything is that you get to learn how the abilities of your class work piece by piece and learn mechanics as new ones are introduced. Boosting players should at least put in the effort to figure out their class rotation and how the game's mechanics work before they shit on the game. That the game can be unclear about these things is a valid criticism, but they should still put in that much effort at least. The problem is when they start saying that game is trash when they haven't even experienced the majority of the game and don't understand how the game works.

    The problem with Quin was that he obviously came to the game with no real intention of giving it a fair shake. He spent his streams hating on the game, getting carried through raids because he didn't bother to learn his rotation or how the mechanics in the game work, and then quit. He then shit on the game despite not experiencing much of it and fundamentally not understanding pretty much all of it and said he gave it his "best shot." Even his mods shit on him for that.

  13. Its easier to understand skills if there introduced slowly sure you didn't use umbral w/e so then you had to learn 1 skill but someone boosting has to learn them all. To pretend like this is the same is shenanigans. I do think 14 is alot more boost friendly though without having talent picks you can mess up but personally Id prefer talent picks and feel it makes the game to noob friendly by not allowing people to mess up on talents or not giving good player the ability to use something in a way others never would think to.

  14. I'm anti-boosting but I think my reason is…a little more reasonable. It makes it easier for botting. If there was a pie chart for people that use boosts for endgame content, people that use boosts to play with their max lvl friends, and people that boost to bot, the majority would be people botting while the first two would be teeny tiny slivers of the pie. It's absurdly easy and fast to lvl in FFXIV so I don't think boosts should even exist in FFXIV. I feel the same about WoW too.

  15. To paraphrase a very smart man (I'm talking about Josh Strife Hayes), if you want people to play the content to *suffer*? That's kind of messed up. I want them to go through the content because I enjoyed it. I feel a bit sorry for the people who miss out on something that gave me so much legit joy… but they can boost if they want. I don't care. It's just something I want everyone to enjoy, but if they don't, it's fine.

  16. I mean hey. $20 to level 70 vs $60 to lvl 50 in WoW. I say that's totally a fair price. Saves you dozens of hours to. Work for 2 hours skip 30 hours of boring fate grinds and dungeon roulette

    I 100% support going through the story. On 1 job. And then boosting the rest >:)

  17. I use Arms Length on huge trash pulls. It slows them down so DPS trailing behind can knock them down and I don't get a huge bash when I stop. It works for me.

  18. I just wanna say, I could care less about leveling. $20 is cheap if it gives you max level especially if you're paying like $15 a month to play. You could spend $60 and thousands of hours leveling to max naturally or just pay $20 for a max character? Especially for alts this is an amazing deal.

  19. I've seen non "gate keeping" turn some hobbies into something else completely (people equating orc to black people in D&D as an example and changing how the game is played because of their racist presumptions). I've come around to be pro "gate keeping".

  20. Boost ruin the game.. takes a week to get cap. That's less investment than most single player games.

    So tired of people saying they "have no idea what's going on."

    MAYBE….just maybe, if you played the class in a dungeon at the level you get the actions… you'd learn how they work. It's almost like boosting skips That whole phase. You also don't get the "muscle memory" as you add more and more abilities. Reading a guide is like reading all the sheet music for a song and expecting to play it perfectly with out looking at the piano… oh and when you mess up you and everyone around you gets hit with a hammer.

    So if you are skipping for pve… you likely haven't even developed the skills needed and will drag down everyone else until half way or more through the xpac. I've seen it to many times.

    So yeah, I don't care if you throw more $$$ at SQE…. but don't be the douche that spent the first haf of the movie texting, going to the bathroom, making a drink and popcorn and then come back and ask "what's going on, why are they doing that?" Also don't be surprised if you arent invited to or clearing the endgame pve you skipped to get to or get kicked from pve because you suckered at your job. That's not fun for anyone.

  21. Two things to address:

    One – People boosting is fine. However, if they boost to skip the story or skip the leveling process, they have no right to bitch about either of those things being bad, or that their job is too hard to understand or that the game didn't teach them. Playing through the story to know what's going on is kind of integral to the experience the game provides – same goes for the leveling process. The leveling process drip-feeds you your class/job's abilities, so you can learn things piecemeal.

    If people willingly boost and subsequently bitch willingly about either of those things, without making an effort to understand or learn any of it (either story or how to play their job), that's entirely their own problem. And they deserve no forgiveness.

    Two – the tooltip above is NOT difficult to understand. It does not take a degree in quantum physics and 200 IQ to see that it says "enemies who strike this barrier are slowed by 20% for 15 seconds. For anyone that's played a game like this, the realization that "Slow" refers to a debuff that slows enemies should be pretty fast, and the tooltip itself is mostly self-explanatory.

    If you want to bitch about bad tooltips, why not complain about the cluttered mess that is MCH tooltips? lmao

  22. If you have to go through ARR, HW and SB just to get to what this guy claims is a good story then the games story as a while is bad in his eyes, that’s like recommending a show and telling people it gets good st episode 350. If it takes that long, it’s not good, even in this guys own words.

    I play the game, and find the story fine now, just saying, the way he worded that was really stupid lmao


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