3 BOSSES, 1 LITERAL GOD AND A TON OF TWISTS! Asmongold experiences one of the best quest story lines in Final Fantasy 14, The Warring Triad! Enjoy this highlight with Asmongold facing: Sephirot, Sophia and Zurvan…
Intro 0:00
Sephirot 2:52
The Story Continues 8:35
Sophia 23:26
The Story Continues 31:00
Zurvan 38:25
The Story Finale 51:11
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► Outro song: CatDany – Get Enough
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Sephirot back in the day on Extreme mode was really tough. Its such a fun "dance" tho and probably one of the most satisfying ones when you do everything perfectly.
man i forgot about this by the time i got to shadow bringers, the one upside of seeing someone else whos going through the story is picking up all the foreshadowed subtext
At least Asmondgold didn't fall for these bosses ultimate trap, getting distracted by that kick ass music!
in regards to nobody asking about urianger knowing elidibus, that fight was released at a later patch cycle when said information is already revealed.
Really looking forward to seeing you get to the latest expansion…
That "Necromancer" Jacien rubbing her title on Asmon's face.
Please go for Sophia hardmode – its such a awesome fight!
I forget, were the 13 Shards known about at this point? Or were they introduced in SB/early ShB?
I cant figure put why I dont remeber this masked kid in my game play. It must have been a year ago at the least when I was here. Nothing seems familiar.
Will Almond become a Lakshmi simp
I hate this game.
Well, for no one asking Urianger about whatshisfaces master despite it being Elidibus is simple: You kinda Sequence Broke things. The revelation of Urianger meeting with Ascians to the rest of the Scions/Warrior of Light was revealed a patch of two before Zurvan was available to fight if I remember right.
The writers got so lost in fancy words, they try to do more with less and leave out proper grammar, while sometimes adding redundant descpritions that repeat an already mentioned visual.
He seems to have started to get a quicker understanding of mechanics faster than before. playing enough would do that. I'm glad.
How excited are you Asmon that in the new wow patch we can further customize our elfs ears and also farm island expeditions solo now .. think about the mounts dooooood
Now we know why the first thirty hours are so boring
Where can I do all this??? I’m in shadowbringers story now. Never did I do this. I feel like a fool now.
Uh oh.. Poor Elidibus. Asmond said your name right.
I can't believe he got slapped off the edge in sync to 'The edge is calling tonight'
That Sophia transition was so cool. I love this game.
I love how Asmon focuses on side quests while Rich on MSQ
No Sea Lion?
Sephirot's theme is still such a fucking banger.
the leader of the Sions is from wow, the world that was destroyed.
I'm so glad I started in HW, Warring Triad really solidified my love for this game 😍
Really cool bosses
may be just me, but i find it hella annoying the birb's music is the starting fight music, NOT seph's music when he gets…enbiggened.
Man, I forgot how relevant this story is to Shadowbringers, damm.
If I was a mod id just ban everyone who says wait for it. Its so weird that these people cant help themselves
The music in the 2nd part of the first fight, is it in-game? I do not remember this.
And now we head to the void ark.
"You think I pay 15 bucks a month to do mechanics?"
You have to count, this boss is hard…
Laughs in Stormblood 24 man.
Assgold getting carried again shocking?