Asmongold just destroyed Blizzard Entertainment in 4K by streaming Final Fantasy XIV and setting a record. Then he was attacked by a Blizzard Manager who seemed to condone calls for Asmongold to be reported and banned for playing the game. It didn’t end well for them.
#asmongold #wow #ffxiv
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10:51 THOUSANDS!!!! xD
When I finished farming naxx,I quit wow. I completed wow,got bored of tbc in 1 month. Its time for something NEW. If the Bald guy is trying FF14 then I can try too.
FFXIV community I think, in general, is not excited about having the "le WoW komunity" coming over to their game. IMHO those are the mindless RAID-IO'ers that have equally ruined WoW.
It isn't that ONE guy (I don't think he is but) who MIGHT be a GIANT ahole is playing isn't the problem, it's literally the TENS of THOUSANDS of d-bags that will come over too.
btw, ppl trying to prevent him from playing (blocking NPC's etc.) are pretty lame.
It's nice to see that Xylaria asshole is still behind the lock on Twitter.
Can stay there. DOn't ever come out again.
Asmongold brought so many ppl to FF14, they ran out of digital codes for the game and had to pause sales briefly. Blizzard doesn't listen to the players anymore, and i feel they're trying to get WoW to tank so they can put resources elsewhere.
Let’s just say if your game wasn’t such SHIT, WoW or any other, people wouldn’t be jumping (air)ship. The streamers are just offering a game(s) to fill the void. Personally, I haven’t gamed in two plus months, didn’t even make it to 9.1.
What would you think if I stopped playing wow
Would you unsubscribe and stop playing wow with me?
Lend me your fingers and I'll play you a game
And It's call Final Fantasy XIV
Oh I get gear with a little help from my friends
Mm I get leveled up with a little help from my friends
Mm gonna try Final Fantasy XIV with a little help from my friends
I can understand why they don't want the idiots that simp for him polluting the game. Asmagold made his career from being a dick and ninja looting
Final Fantasy XIV – Best MMORPG
Final Fantasy XIV – Best MMORPG
Final Fantasy XIV – Best MMORPG
Once upon a time I suggested they add pod racing and parts creation in thousand needles. I did get a blizzard response to this saying they might add a new controllable pet…
HvB: "who are you to gatekeep FF XIV"
Me: Lets take a quick look at that twatter bio shall we and it will probably explain it all
" 31 Far left antifascist technoanarchist. Furry. Gender Expert [?]. She/Her or They/Them"
Pretty much sums up that loser…
Adam Holisky should be fired. Any staff member I had that attacked my client base would be instantly ended.
Very well put brother people just NEED TO LET THE GUY PLAY HIS VIDEO GAMES and stop harassing him for literally no reason!
What's happened is really unfortunate and rather…disgusting. I am not a fan of Asmongold, but the way he has been treated is unacceptable and unprofessional. Having said that, people saying things like "Asmongold has done more for World of Warcraft then any blizzard developer has in 10 years"….is far from the truth and is glorifying a content creator above the game designers. It's just absurd.
This teaches Blizzard a lesson. I hope they can react and get there shit together if not this could possibly be the end of wow soon
So on point heel been a longer time supporter. Watched your wow content years ago. You always say whats up and keeps it real. Ill sub you on this account too
Why are you giving attention to some furry degenerate weirdo on twitter? No one cares.
Funny I only knew ya as a wow guy
I got Final Fantasy ads lmao
I guess I'm just too old for Blizzard's BS, I'm making me a cat waifu in FFIV. Also New World is coming. We got options.
Imagine making 30k of donations
Even back in the day of FF11 online, couple day ban for killing a group with mobs, taught the guy the spot, he wouldnt move his group, kept failing there mob pulls hence add in to my groups, forcing my group to retreat, words were exchanged, next day GM hits me up we both got punished. the Grief was on both sides, Square has always been good on being fair and, sticking to the EULA both factors between what was said in chat and, killing other players with mobs were both against it, thus both banned for a days or two.
Blizzard went woke so they going broke. I guess the saying is true hahahaha
You mean reskining bloodelves as an ugly purple isn't making a new Highelf race for the alliance? I'm shocked , SHOCKED… well not that shocked.
I was a 12 year FFXI player. And most FF players are awesome/helpful etc. But this is a new day & age, isn't it. There is this minority of scum, that are like a toilet in need of a cleaning, who believe they are so "Woke", THEY dictate to the world.
Brilliant job of covering this. Know this is an old post, but new to me.
I just wanted to point out one major hypocrisy, in that Cat-ladies brain: On that post you showed? She claims to be "Anti-Fascist"…. What she was doing? WAS FASCIST. Proving, she has no clue WTF she's talking about, whatsoever. She was trying to use HER "Freedom", to END THE FREEDOM, of another.
She's the terror. Well… was, lol.
Az, mate, you gotta look after yourself man, you look buggered. Love the vid BTW!!
see that
he write far left
liking the community?
Its a toxic shitbed.
One is not allowed to have an opinion unless its all about singing praise about the game and devs or reeks of positivity only. Any kind of negativity is not allowed at all or you are considered the toxic person, even by just disagreeing something
I love how friendly and welcoming the FFXIV community is. As a newbie it’s such a reassuring thing
People like Asmongold, Bellular, Accolon and you keep me even thinking about world of warcraft
I guess you dont like soyboys – that voice impression made me laugh actually. Which is a rare event.
I should of listened to you az when you made ff14 videos like 3 years ago
Hydaelyn speaks directly to this man… He is… THE CRACKHEAD OF LIGHT!!!
Dude just look at that person who tweeted to basically "cancel" Asmon from the game. Gender expert? What? This person is a "far left antifa blah blah" which basically means trigger warnings and padded doorknobs for them cause they might just melt.
who is xy? never heard of that nobody
Lately, I am watching some of Asmons vids.
I do not get, why they are upset. Asmongold was really funny and nice.
I have to admit, seeing Asmin stop being an complete asshole was amazing. I play FF14 casually because wow sucks, and its like old wow, back when people were nice, helpful for each other etc. I died waay out in the middle of nowhere and said in zone chat, hey anyone near xyz that can rez me, and boom 3 showed up. I couldn't thank them enough. Bliz, when you allowed griefing, you allowed players to spend HOURS killing questgivers and every quest mob around , gold farmers over and over. YOU are responsible for destroying the game. Poor content and poor social environment has led to this. We aren't players and people to them anymore, we are now simply a line on a balance sheet.
I love something Asmongold said in response to a Blizzard dev call I’m him an a-hole.
Asmongold: I don’t care if they call me that. They probably wouldn’t think that if they did their jobs.
1:27 well, I wonder what you think of the recent accusations by the State of California. You'll be properly pissed off with Blizzard.
I dont play wow, i watch his content, I'll be honest, i love his critiques on games, especially WoW, I'll be frank, the only blizzard game i played was diablo game, but overall Activision blizzard has been flushing its talent and heritage down the drain.
According to Wikipedia Asmongold isn't in the top 50 Twitch channels, at least going by followers… The top 5 are Ninja, Tfue, Rubius, shroud, auronplay (in that order)… ALTHOUGH I think he might be one of the top streamers for World of Warcraft content (although he apparently has less followers than sodapoppin whose barely in the top 50 for Twitch and does WoW) but he's probably gotta be like top 5 if not top 3 WoW streamers… Also Asmongold watched a video on this, apparently mentors in FFXIV are somehow more awful than sprouts (new players) or at least they have that sort of reputation…
Really curious if World of Warcraft can survive if the expansion after Shadowlands is also terrible… Like, it NEEDS to be good for the sake of the game… And even though I'm pretty confident that WoW will never lose so many subscribers that it'll become an expense to run, it potentially could be one of those situations where a company (Activision) could just decide that something is not profitable 'enough' for them to care about continue putting resources towards it…
BUT if WoW does die then it could somewhat open up more of an opportunity for a new Blizzard MMORPG (whether that's WoW2, a Starcraft MMO, maybe they'd revisit some ideas from the Project Titan that later transformed into Overwatch, or something totally new) and I think the prestige from having made WoW would even give this new MMORPG and extra boost in people willing to give it a try on beta/launch especially if it was a WoW2… Or they might just decide they don't want to bother with the MMORPG genre any more since it's not even really their most profitable thing to develop I think and it's also a lot of work to make a new MMORPG and the market is quite competitive especially if you want to be on top like WoW has enjoyed for so long…) Doubtful they'd make a new MMORPG, but if WoW dies I THINK that possibility increases more than it decreases…
I am surprised that this haven't happened sooner. Ever since Blizzard merged with Activision, WoW has been on a downhill. And people have been too much hung up on the FFXIV is a game for weebs. FFXIV is what you make it.
Yes, let’s trash one big Company that does not care about us and praise another they does not care about you.
Fanboying is retarded
Pathetic Traitor
100% crap after wotlk
FF players pre judged asmond on his wow actions… that is not fair.. he should get the same clean slate evry new player gets.. i am happy SE banned the idiots trying to crap on his debut.. i myself defected from wow to FF about 2.5 months ago.. i left wow feeling like i divorced my first love.. 13 years of investment is hard to give up , but walking around eorzia was like twilight zone.. people were friendly, and my first dungeon multiple wipe. no one rage quit.. on 3rd wipe the tank explaiuned the mechanics and we nailed it then he was pleasant .. i have avoided joining a FC because i am gun shy from wow but playing FF i think I want to start raiding again.. it was the peaple that made me stop enjoying it in wow. / it is fun being a sprout tho.. after playing an affliction lock.. my 2nd or 3rd FF dungeon I started getting shot by a lazer.. of course i ran away to break it,, a few times later someone said .. hey dont run it boosts dps…. learned later its a dragoon thing lololl c'mon if my lock hit ya with a gren beam you were as good as dead.. of course i freaked,,,,i dunno about other classes but playing my now lvl 75 bard i can make more explosions and flashies in a boss fight than an entire 10 man wow raid,,
Ive never tried an MMO because of time constraints but now that im older and have more time i want to jump in. Never knew much of Asmon but after randomly watching some of his FF14 playthoughs and seeing how the GM get trolls, its persuaded me to start.
The ffxiv is only up to 60 but that don't mean only 1 class/job you can level all avaliable class/job to 60 (up to the 1st expansion "heavensward" gathering/crafting is considered its own class too