If you would like to discuss almost anything FFXIV with me, this might just be the right place to be! A few subjects I have planned beforehand, but you are free to ask questions and bring up subjects!
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#ffxiv #endwalker
I was playing BLM a few days ago in an alliance raid, standing next to another BLM in one of the boss fights. A stack marker went off. We both took an instinctive step towards it, then I swear both had the thought "someone else can deal with that," and returned to casting.
If you are an anti-social jerkwad who wants to solo an MMO, may I suggest Wizard101? Every boss can be done solo… provided you have the money for enough crowns to summon an army of Henchmen. ;p
I'm not dissing anyone who wants to throw themselves into the meat grinder. After all, I watch this guy constantly do Pokemon Hardcore Nuzlockes even though I hate the thought of releasing your Pokemon if they faint and be underleveled for bosses.
I'm just saying that some people might want to do ALL of FFXIV solo and get pissed off when they can't. I think these people need to go away because they are bringing down the community by complaining.
And yes, Blue Mage can solo all of FFXIV just by Final Sting because the game doesn't count it as a wipe if you die at the same time as the boss. If they were going by Pokemon VGC rules(which state clearly that if you use Self Destruct, Explosion or Destiny Bond to take out your opponent's final Pokemon on your final Pokemon, it counts as you losing), using Final Sting would be a wipe and you wouldn't be allowed to do that again since Final Sting triggers an 8 minute debuff that grays it out. ;p
Also, might do a new character and time how long it takes to get through the game with just one job, mashing all dialogue and skipping all cut-scenes(except the obvious ones in the MSQ roulette duties XD) so I can compare times with you and see how much time it saves since your playthrough took about 240 hours(counting 6 hours a week for 10 months).