Yoshi-P showed off his two year plan for Final Fantasy XIV and in it are Criterion Dungeons, scalable dungeons that might be the answer that players have wanted in terms of hard four man content. Something like a Mythic+ system in FF14 perhaps.
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Short answer: no.
If they are harder 4 man content then they are what I’m looking for
I can’t wait for high end 4 man content but trying to manage expectations
Sounds like Mythic plus with mutators. I wonder if the variables can be added/subtracted to adjust rewards?
My first thought was that it was just dungeons that scaled to party size. If that's the case… i'm not really interested. It's easy enough to hope in duty/party finder. If they are going to make them scalable in difficulty by the player though? Then I'm stoked. I miss the days when you could actually die in dungeons.
Just don't tie it to the relic quests
I wondered if it was a test to see how scaling trusts could go. As in you will always take in 4, but 1, 2, or 3 could be people or trusts so a mix essentially. if that makes sense
I find it funny how people want difficulty, but then do things that make the content easier themselves. And if they wipe suddenly it's kick/abandon time. I feel people don't actually know what they want at the end of the day.
I read the title with Amon's voice in my head. You knew what you were doing haha.
What if we had a deep dungeon style raid
How feesible would it be to scale dungeon mobs and the party to the lowest level individual in the party, potentially making let's say "Solm Al", a level 73 dungeon or 85 based on that party member?
I thought it was going to be like Delibrum Savage but the 1-4 man format makes me think it's closer to Mythic plus? We'll see it'll be very interesting and it's coming soon.
6:40 Most of us play games for fun. S-E needs to recognize this and stop catering exclusively to insatiable tryhards who think this is an eSport.
The ability to go in solo doesn't sound great, but the possibility of it having Bozja-style flexibility is interesting, though I doubt it could be that complex. I don't know what to think about the LL having no mention of relics, but being quite clear about the deep dungeon and this. Mhm.
So far, there's nothing in Criterion that answers any of the content-lust that many types of players have. Then again, yeah, extremely vague explanation so far.
This seems like a piece of content that can be more casual. Which I like cause sometimes I can only get on for an hour. But you were talking about Blue Mage. I had told spells why not let it have to equip spells to fill the tank roll like might guard, or a healer role, or dps. It would be nice to have a job like blue mage where you have to get spells from the open world but it can be used for different roles. Just my thoughts
Enemies explode on death, Enemies have tank busters, enemies need to be slept or kited, there are plenty of cool modifiers to throw into dungeons. As for loot, there plenty of old dungeons sets that I wish were dye-able.
I'm a bit conflicted to be honest – personally I've never been a big fan of M+ in WoW (or things like Fractals of the Mist in GW2) as I much prefer completely original prog content over stuff that is just meant to be repeated over and over with minor differences. Those always felt like "cheap" content to me, but I know that a great many people are super into it and I'm definitely willing to give it a try. If anything I'm curious to see what the FFXIV team will add to the formula to make the Criterion dungeons stand out from the types of scaleable content we've seen in other MMOs.
While it may not be completely to my taste, I'm definitely happy to see the game expanding its PvE repertoire to fill more niches
Mutations would be nice
After all these years… is the answer we were hoping for?
you can cap in one day easy this must have something but tomes in it for me to do it like some unsellable minions/ mounts